foundation colour question!


Well-known member
Hello, I'm new.
I'm sure you all don't bite!

Anywho, I'm interested in face & body foundation and I wonder which would be closest to my skin. I can head to a counter tomorrow to have a look properly (and maybe get matched), but I've been matched 4 different colours before for MAC.
I've been NC20, NW20, NC25 and NC30. I do not tan but I have very red cheeks and neck. I dont know if this matters in your 'diagnosis' of my skin but I have very dark hair and hazel eyes. The NC30 colour makes me look (imo) very yellow.
Also, should I be using a light or medium powder for my skintone? I bought a medium as a replacement for the one I already have (not even taken out of box yet) but now I think it might be too dark for me.

Thanks in advance for your advice!