this is relatively tricky b/c deauville has like a neutral-neutral undertone (balanced between pink and yellow) for light skins.
I would *guess* that as I have used deauville in the past and it was a good match for me, that and your avatar pic (it is you I guess?) that you're similar in coloring to me... I have pink, but veer towards more neutral undertones; I am an NW20 in SFF, select tint spf 15, and studio fix powder; and f&b foundation, N1 is my best match. for concealer, I use the pot one from MAC and definitely NW 20 there. If you have more golden/yellow undertones, you'd be NC in MAC shades most likely.
The mac website says to look at the color of your veining on your underarms to help gauge with their foundations (more blue veins, you're NW; more green, NC-- the opposite of what you'd think actually-- just think of NW as "not warm"). This doesn't always work, because I have an equal mix of blue and green veins LOL--but, like I said, I have more neutral undertones than pink or yellow