France Introduces New Bill to Prevent Eating Disorders


Well-known member
I'm on the fence on this right now. I need to think about it. I enjoy free speech, yet I think there is a current problem with the way women are supposed to look in our society. I just don't know if slamming fines on people are the way to do it. I've always had a problem with the government telling me what I can and cannot do. A person who wants to be anorexic will be anorexic. With or without the media or websites.

Unfortunately, it is society that needs to change its views on what kind of woman is fabulous. Just because these websites might be banned and people might get fined doesn't mean that the unattainable (unbelievably skinny) doesn't still seem "glamorous".

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I value freedom of speech dearly, but I'm torn on this.

Why can't they just makes laws for healthy working conditions for models/ballet dancers/etc., like making them get a health report stating that they're really that thin naturally? I'm not sure if that's the solution, but I think it would perhaps help. I know there are some women who are naturally model thin, but most are not. Perhaps this would encourage designers to look at a more realistic body if they realize there's a shortage of the current body type


Well-known member
I see issues with enforcing this. What is too thin? Kind of subjective.

I do applaud them for bringing it to attention, though. Sarkozy is married to a former model, so I am sure that will have some sway.

How do you enforce against a website that is not based in France?

Sadly, I think fashion designers will always look for women that closely resemble skeletal hangers. If this was a serious issue in their book, they would all agree to up the standard size to a 8 or 10 and I just don't think they will ever do that. When they sell couture, they sell fantasy and it is a fantasy to think that all women are that tall and that thin.


Well-known member
I agree that this bill is a step in the right direction.

I'm of the opinion that freedom of speech is all well and good, but to actively cause physical harm and danger by way of a belief and an opinion should be punishable.

Here in the UK, you can be arrested for inciting racial or religious hatred. Obviously that's an extreme comparison, but the point stands.


Well-known member
While I think its a good idea to promote a healthy body image and not have super thin, sickly, models showing off clothes, what about rehabilitation? I doubt a fine is going to do anything to the true victims of the illnesses. Taking down the pro ana websites is a start, but since they can only take down sites in their own country i doubt it will make a large difference.
I hope the government shows some compassion to people that need help in their efforts of greater awareness.


Active member
So who decides what is 'glamorizing' the illness and how thin is unhealthy looking? I prefer the government stay out of the fashion industry and my eating habits, thank you very much.


Well-known member
Well you can't really knock France for trying but I personally think this will do nothing. I strongly believe the people who are seeking out Pro Ana websites are already sick, someone who wasn't mentally affected by an eating disorder would not be seeking a website that would ultimately help them starve themselves. Therefore targeting the websites is pointless, there is always always going to be people looking for them, which is sad because it's taking things to a whole level of dangerous extremes. I don't think until you've been a part of a anorexia website you can understand, it's more crying out for support than being 'pro', most of people I know through anorexia websites are anything but pro. They would rather die than have been put under this illness. Those are the people I rang when I was in my darkest time of need, those are the people that ultimately saved me. I think people who are just interested in losing weight soon leave a Pro Ana website when they realise quite what their life will be like once they submit themselves. Because truthfully there isn't a quick way out. I'm not condoning Pro Ana websites, but I 'get' why people are on them. I personally will not ever believe anorexia is ever a choice a person makes.

So really making it a crime to glamourize anorexia is like saying it's illegal to be anorexic when really some of us just can't escape it, no matter how hard we might try. Even when you are a true anorexic it's hard not to envy or look up to someone thinner than you.

I knew long before anyone else when I had a problem. When you have an eating disorder you instinctively know that what you are doing is not right. It was not normal for me to be making myself sick, it was not normal for me to be eating less than 500 calories a day, it was not normal that a had of BMI of 12, it was not normal that I truly thought I was going to blow up like a whale if I didn't take diet pills and laxatives. It was not normal for me to wish to get stomach bugs and the like just so I'd have a better excuse not to eat.

People with eating disorders will not be forced into rehabilition, I'm not going to truly get better until I really want to. Until I want true recovery for myself. I honestly don't believe there is a way to 'cut down' on anorexia, there's many studies now to show it could potentially be genetic and you can't stop genes.