Free Rice for the hungry...

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Well-known member
Ok so the "Life Beyond MAC" thread inspired me to post this. It's just a small way of helping the people who don't have access to or can't afford the most basic of resources. My english teacher was actually the one that told me (well told the whole class) about this website, and i thought it'd be nice to share it with you all who are concerned about important global issues like hunger etc.

It's a website called 'FreeRice', you may or may not have heard of it, but what it does is it asks you the meaning of a word and for each word you get correct, 20 grains of rice will be donated to communities who need it : Home | WFP - How to help - Give more rice
The website runs on advertisers who pay the site to display their banners (which are found at the bottom of the site when you start playing) and thus the funds go toward buying rice and shipping it to needy countries.

Personally i thought this was a really nice idea; practical and educational also
What do you guys think about it?? (link below)

Link: FreeRice
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