Frizzy holiday hair!


Well-known member
Hi girls!
Im going on holiday in just over a weeks time and I need serious help about my hair. I wont be taking my straighters because last time i got so hot from the heat and the straightners also i nearly died

Best way to describe my hair is frizzy. There are noticable waves which i would love to wear proudly but the frizzyness is unbeareable. Im looking for a product to really weigh the frizz down, take the volume out somewhat. Any suggestions? TIA!


Well-known member
you could try some Biosilk, or the Redken sun care products, I took them on my last vacation and my hair never got frizzy


Well-known member
How about Lee Stafford's Dehumidifier Spray? It's available from Boots and it's pretty good.

I bought some to take to Hong Kong a couple of years ago but left it behind because I already had so much luggage and I really, *really* missed it; I spent the entire fortnight looking like an unravelling ball of wool!

I would second the recommendation for Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum, but I find it gets greasy quicker than other serums like Frizz Ease or the ones from the Aussie range. It smells great, though!

I also really like another Lee Stafford product for smoothing out my frizzy hair and sort of weighing it down - the Shine Head Spray Shine is great!


Well-known member
i had the same issue when i went to florida last year. what i did was each night use a conditioning mask (and left it in overnight) to keep my heair hydrated. i then washed my hair in the morning and used frizz ease on it to separeate my waves. and i sprayed the matrix water lock out spray on and my hair stayed ok all day. on the days where i couldn't be bothered i wore it in plaited pigtails (like britney baby one more time kinda thing!) and when i took it out it was wavey.

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