Fun tests.


Well-known member
oh no i'm a drunkard and i don't even drink. i got so high because i used to be a bartender.


Well-known member
My dead body is only worth

I think I lost points/value because I like to have a glass of Merlot in the evening


Well-known member
I could kick the asses of 22 5yr olds.

I have a 75% of surviving a zombie attack.

I scored borderline drunkard and I never drink.


Well-known member
Oh my God, 93. I did pretty bad, only got 70 countries in five minutes. It was amazing seeing all the ones I missed, I was like 'ahh, how the hell did I miss that?' For the last minute I was sitting there like... What the hell do I type now?

I am 73% Geek. Wahey.

In the How Many Five Year Olds... quiz, I love this question: Do you have any experience fighting swarms, such as being chased by a bunch of pissed-off bees or playing starcraft against the Zerg? Hahaha. Apparently, I could fight 24 kids, probably because I'd fight dirty. Hey, they came at me first.

As for a zombie attack, despite huge stockpiles of canned goods and reading numerous zombie-filled comics and dozens of hours watching shlocky horror films, I only have a 46% of survival.

On the alcohol test I got 69% as well. I'm surprised I even got that much, I hardly ever drink and know sweet f.a about alcohol.

Good thread. The tests are fun


Well-known member
i could take 26 five year olds in a fight (i HAD to do that one first... and of course i'd fight dirty if the brats swarmed me!)
i'm worth $4525 dead
i'm 69% geek
86% (drunkard) in the booze test -> another former bartender here

excellent fun


Well-known member
Booze Test: 73% LUSH (2 years ago this go over the charts for sure lol)
I'm 42% Geek (I'm just not that into Star Trek)
And I'm only worth $4,400!! Disturbing.