Generic Rainbow eye


Well-known member
Its not my best eye look and my lashes let me down once again, despite me using the amazing MAC Haute and Naughty Mascara... I just don't understand it :(
It totally ruins it.​
I used:​
-NYX pencil in Milk​
-120 pro Palette​
-FrontCover's Baked Shadow Black Spark​
-Beauty UK Eyepencil in Black​
-MAC haute and Naughty Mascara.​
I decided to use all the colours (apart from the brow highliter) in a shimmer finish- just because I thought it would look better, plus I did use Matte beforehand and it looked really dull and the colours didnt blend well.​
I love Rainbow eyed and seen it trending alot- YEY, what do you guys think?​