Gesso eyeshadow help?


Hey All!
I just got Gesso and I'm having a lot of problem getting the white color that I see on some people's youtube videos. The only time I actually get the color I want is if I use my fingers. What brushes or techniques would you recommend so that I can use it because it looks beautiful with a smokey eye but I've had it for a while and can't get crystal avalanche. Thanks!


Well-known member
Any base underneath will get you a more vivid white on the lid...especially if you use a whiter base.


Well-known member
i only use udpp near my brow bone (any paints and paint pots go on lid only) i also love to use the little brushes that come in the holiday eye palettes for highlights! 213 i think they're called!


Well-known member
Try using a light, white would be best, base under the shadow. Because Gesso is a matte, it is going to be a little harder to work with, so you need to use a brush that can pack it on a little heavier than you might be trying to put it on, some great brushes for that are the 227, 213 and 239.


Well-known member
whenever i want to use any white eyeshadow i use my white cream colour base on top of udpp on my lid so it doesnt crease. But a matte white eyeliner also does the same thing.


Well-known member
The 242 is awesome...generally, when I'm trying to pack a lot of color on my lid to go for a really BAM look, I'll use a synthetic fibre brush. They tend to pick up more color and pack it on really well...also, pat the color on, rather than brush, that'll help make the color more vibrant too.


I have the 239 and the 242 and it seems like it comes up only as a light color like my vanilla. So I just recently got a smudger brush and it helps a ton with packing in the color. I'll try to get a white base. Thanks all!