getting over phobias


Well-known member
i'm deathly (yes, deathly) afraid of wasps. all kinds; paper wasps, digging wasps, abot wasps...anything that even looks remotely like a wasp (like deerflies) scare the life out of me. i'm not talking like "ewww...creepy" kind of scared, i'm talking hyperventilating, uncontrollably crying, panic attack kind of scared even if there's only one anywhere near me. i live in a desert in southern california which has a very high concentration of wasps because of the consistantly warm climate and there must be something in my backyard they dig because during the summer we usually have 15+ nests (which means kim stays inside all summer haha) how do you get over a fear like that?


Well-known member
Confront it I dunno

Watch Bee Movie?


Well-known member
Burn them out of their hives?
I hate wasps. I'm not panicked like that if I see them but no. Those flying assbandits get gassed as soon as I see them. I hate stingy bugs.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
You might want to slowly confront it. Like watching a movie about them and then looking at them in your backyard and going a bit closer until it doesn't bother you anymore.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
Maybe reading up about them will help. If you know more about their habits perhaps they will be less intimidating.

my LIFELONG phobia - cockroaches... UGH. i am DEATHLY terrified of them - no matter the size, if they're dead or alive, it doesn't matter. trust me - reading up on them ain't gonna solve that anytime soon


Well-known member
I use to be afraid of wasps. It was, because I was stung as kid. Of course, it hurt more. I got over it when I got stung recently. It hurt, but it wasn't that bad. They usually leave you alone, but they do like perfume and hairspray.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
my LIFELONG phobia - cockroaches... UGH. i am DEATHLY terrified of them - no matter the size, if they're dead or alive, it doesn't matter. trust me - reading up on them ain't gonna solve that anytime soon

I agree! My phobia is anything paranormal, like the possibility that there might be a ghost hiding somewhere, or the possibility that ghosts might even exist. I have trouble sleeping because of this, especially when I'm sleeping alone. There was a ghost thread not too long ago in the chatter section....yeah, I avoided it at all costs.
Reading up on them, or watching more horror movies WILL NOT solve that soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Burn them out of their hives?
I hate wasps. I'm not panicked like that if I see them but no. Those flying assbandits get gassed as soon as I see them. I hate stingy bugs.

my dad told me to mix dish soap and water because they breathe through their bodies, and the dish soap coats them so they suffocate...i threw a huge bowl of it on a nest one time and i felt so accomplished haha.

but i'm such a puss now that i'm afraid to even get close enough to kill them. apparently i have the same problem with hornets. i spent almos the entire day today locked in my bedroom because there was a hornet in the living room hah.

i think i'm gonna read up on them and see if maybe i can go outside and see them a little closer...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Juneplum
my LIFELONG phobia - cockroaches... UGH. i am DEATHLY terrified of them - no matter the size, if they're dead or alive, it doesn't matter. trust me - reading up on them ain't gonna solve that anytime soon

I so agree Juneplum. I hate cockroaches & junebugs (no pun intended)
. Those are the 2 grossest insects I have ever seen. You better believe if one lands on me/is in my eyesight I will be running and screaming. Those 2 are the worst for me, but I do hate most insects anyway.


Well-known member
I don't know, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I'm not scared of wasps, but moths. Moths terrify me. To the point of crying and screaming and hyperventilating (so do spiders, beetles, roaches, those types of bugs)

I live in an area with a LOT of bugs (esp. moths). I've been thinking of going to a hypnotist but I'm not sure if they are the real deal or not.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I've been thinking of going to a hypnotist but I'm not sure if they are the real deal or not.

i've never heard of using hypnotism to cure phobias but i'm pretty desperate haha i'd totally try it if i knew where to find one!


Well-known member
I have the same fear.
I am sooo scared so bees.
I actually start crying at school, because there are so many at lunch, and they all like to buzz around my face and scare the life out of me.
I hate them so much. It's horrifing.


Well-known member
My phobia is nothing dangerous, it couldn't even try to attack me... Actually, I'm afraid of snails... And I cannot even stand seeing them in picture! So, reading about them wouldn't change anything.
And since I'm French, of course everyone thinks I LOVE eating them! I don't even eat them during family meetings for Christmas. Last week I had an official dinner and they served cooked snails and said "Oh, since you're the French here, you must tell us if these are good!" I had to eat one to be polite, it took me 15 minutes and I thought I would die, I was shaking from head to toe and almost crying. I was not that bad, but I was terrified...
I absolutely don't know how to get rid of this phobia but I could try anything!


Well-known member
I have a fear of water.Large body's of water, (oceans and lakes) If I go out on a boat it takes me 15 minutes to get into the boat, Since I have to step off the dock and into a boat floating in the water, If possible I try to get in , and stay in the boat while its being launched. I DO NOT get INTO the water, and I have my life vest on very tightly the Entire time.

I can swim in a lake, if its close to the dock. And I don't go very far. My dad owns jet ski's and his are the big and very fast kind.. but I just putt-putt around the coves , and sit back on the dock as my dad and my boyfriend go super fast jumping over the waves on their jet skis.. haha...

I've tried confronting my phobia.. but no luck.. still terrified of deep water.


Well-known member
i watched this program which is called 'the panic room', they treat the person from his/her phobia in 3 days. In day one they let the person talk about their phoba, when, how it started (usually it starts when the person was a child). In the talking session they hypnotise the person and they make the person say stuff like I'm going to get over this fear etc...After the first session is over they send the person off with homewrok (in one episode they gave this girl a book of pictures of frogs to read and look at) The next day they took her into the panic room to confront her phobia face to face on a medium level, like look at huge pictures of frogs and look at them in a see through plastic box, she had to get out of her comfort zone and go sooo close to them, they give her all the time she needs till she accomplishes that. On the third day her challenge was to touch frogs and move them from one box to another. It took her ages to do it with lots of tears etc then she managed to do it! and now she's over her fear. I remember watching other episodes like people who have phobias off snakes (which i personally think is a normal phobia), fish, cockraches (eeew), spiders, and buttons. The person confronts his/her fear and is able to control it when met again with the things rhey were phobic off. hope this helps!


Active member
I wish I knew how to get over my phobias

I have so many, and most of them are completely ridiculous (snakes, roaches, clowns, ventriloquist dolls, complete darkness, and the most irrational of them all, clusters of holes, like honeycombs...ugh)


Well-known member
I'm with Juneplum. I am deathly afraid of cockroaches. It's always been a huge phobia of mine. Unfortunately, I watched "Creepshow" as a child and that intensified it. As a matter of fact, that movie has been playing lately and I get the creeps just seeing the title and synopsis on the DirectTV guide.

My more weirder "fears"....
Watching Unsolved Mysteries or seeing Darth Vader on TV in a dark room.