God people really suck!

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Well-known member
Ugh I'm so annoyed, I have to rant...
So I live on a really nice block and the whole area north of me is also really nice but starting on the block south is one of the worst areas in San Diego, it's the full on ghetto.
So I put some little plastic candy canes in my lawn up along the walk way and last night some f-in jerk douche bag stole them! Who steals people's christmas decorations?!?!?! Much less three two foot candy canes. Freaking ghetto-ass pieces of crap! I want to post a sign in my lawn that says "to the ghetto-ass piece of shit that stole my decorations, may you catch herpes and rot in hel!l"
It's especially annoying because I've been talking about how no one tries to be nice anymore and if people would just take a second here and there to be courteous the world would be so much better. God I hate people!!!!


Well-known member
what a bunch of Fucktards! what the hell. who steals CHRISTMAS decorations? i'm sorry that happened. It ruins the whole decorating thing. because now you know if you put more up, your gonna be worried someone will jack those too!! (and most likely will) the same thing used to happen to my friend , her parents would go all out with xmas decorations, and people used to steal the light bulbs so that half the lights would go out.. JUST to be jerks.. last year someone spray painted a Jewish star on their driveway. so sad. ( her mom is Jewish her dad is not so they celebrate both holidays) People can be so awful. .. Just remember Karma will get them. maybe someone will come in their house and steal all of their kids xmas presents.. JERKS.


Well-known member
Ok, while I agree that whoever did that was a jerk, why does the person automatically have to come from the ghetto? This is the second thread I've seen on here that has blamed someone from the "ghetto" for a problem they've had. How do you know it wasn't some neighbor from around the block? Don't be so quick to assume that just because there is a poor neighborhood around the block, that they had to do it. Rich people steal too. Enron anyone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Ok, while I agree that whoever did that was a jerk, why does the person automatically have to come from the ghetto? This is the second thread I've seen on here that has blamed someone from the "ghetto" for a problem they've had. How do you know it wasn't some neighbor from around the block? Don't be so quick to assume that just because there is a poor neighborhood around the block, that they had to do it. Rich people steal too. Enron anyone?

Sorry but when my boyfriend lived a few blocks down in the ghetto area him and his neighbors cars were broken into constantly, he couldn't leave ANYTHING in front of his house for ANY amount of time or it would be gone in a flash.... Sorry it's not PC but reality check here... reality and idealism are not the same thing. I would pretty much bet one of my limbs it was someone from the shit hole down the road.
But hey if the majority of the people from that area are on welfare and aren't afriad to take from the goverment, why the hell not take my 97 cent Christmas decorationss too (no I do not think welfare should exist.)
Rich people steal too, it's true, all kinds of jerks steal but as I said, reality check....
One of the major defining factors of a ghetto is a high crime rate... The most common crime being theft. It's just logic not assumptions.


Well-known member
That is so lously that someone would do that! Gosh, people never cease to amaze me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Sorry but when my boyfriend lived a few blocks down in the ghetto area him and his neighbors cars were broken into constantly, he couldn't leave ANYTHING in front of his house for ANY amount of time or it would be gone in a flash

It's just logic not assumptions.

So your boyfriend steals right? Because according to this he lived "a few blocks down in the ghetto".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
So your boyfriend steals right? Because according to this he lived "a few blocks down in the ghetto".

If you are going to try to call me out at least get it right. No where in there did I say EVERYONE. Also he doens't live there anymore :roll:
Do you live in the ghetto and that's why you are so defensive? If so I'm sorry to offend your home and I'm happy that you are apaprently not one of the participating members in making a ghetto a ghetto


Well-known member
My husband and I have problems with people CONSTANTLY breaking into our cars. Its so annoying...we have to pay 200 bucks everytime they break our car windows to have them replaced. Plus, they never find anything to steal...but the keep doing it and I'm like "hello! there was nothing in my car last time and there won't be this time!" We don't live in the ghetto, but in downtown Sacramento. We are pretty certain that its just crackheads who will try to steal ANYTHING to get money for their habit...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
If you are going to try to call me out at least get it right. No where in there did I say EVERYONE. Also he doens't live there anymore :roll:
Do you live in the ghetto and that's why you are so defensive? If so I'm sorry to offend your home and I'm happy that you are apaprently not one of the participating members in making a ghetto a ghetto

No, actually I live in a very upscale part of town where people don't steal,
so scrap the sarcasm. I defend the ghetto because I've known people who have come out that don't rely on the goverment's assistance or steal and have gone on to earn degrees (namely family members who have graduated Summa Cum Laude).


Well-known member
Oh I'm so sorry, how dare I describe the ghetto as uh... a ghetto. I guess that was totally a twatty thing to do. Nice logic there ladies


Active member
The town I live in now has one of the biggest meth problems in the county and everyday I read in the paper about lawn ornaments, including huge inflatable snowmen and such being stolen. It's rediculous. It makes me sick to my stomache knowing that they're are people so desperate that they have to steal an 8ft Santa in order to get a hit.

But plastic candy canes? Come on! I am sorry for your misfortune; it's not fair that you have to suffer for someone else's stupidity.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
Oh I'm so sorry, how dare I describe the ghetto as uh... a ghetto. I guess that was totally a twatty thing to do. Nice logic there ladies

I meant to hit quote, not thanks. Anyways, how dare you describe the ghetto as uh, the basis of all that is detestable and lowly. I'm the kind of person that gives people the benefit of the doubt (I know, how logical of me, to not assume that because of where a person lives that they automatically should be put in a lineup for stealing $3.00 worth of plastic candy canes) regardless of where they live. Sometimes people live there because of situations and circumstances that happened in their lives beyond their control (i.e. fires, layoffs, hard times). Not everyone that lives there wants to live there or is nasty or steals or commit acts of violence and crime. That's what the media hypes up. No one tells stories of the people who make it out of the ghetto and go back to help mentor young ladies and men and let them know there is life beyond what they see surrounding them. But God forbid they do tell those stories because people want to keep them in a box as moochers, crackheads and thieves


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
My husband and I have problems with people CONSTANTLY breaking into our cars. Its so annoying...we have to pay 200 bucks everytime they break our car windows to have them replaced. Plus, they never find anything to steal...but the keep doing it and I'm like "hello! there was nothing in my car last time and there won't be this time!" We don't live in the ghetto, but in downtown Sacramento. We are pretty certain that its just crackheads who will try to steal ANYTHING to get money for their habit...

my car got broken into . they stole everything. my stereo..subwoofers. and amp. Its such a disgusting feeling to know some lowlife scum was sitting in my driver seat.. taking the things that I worked HARD for!!!


Well-known member
I know .ow you feel...

Someone stole my .alloween pumpkin...wit. me rite t.ere in t.e livin. room w.en t.ey did it!!!!! My do.s started barkin. loudly...I was t.inkin t.ere was probably an animal outside; but it was t.e piece of s it teens t.at live in t.e .ouse up t.e street from me....It was a fifteen dollar pumpkin.....W.at made me even more mad was t.at I WAS RITE T.ERE!!!!!!!!! I I.NORED MY DO.S BARKIN., and I s.ould not .ave....

You re rite...people DO suck....It feels like you can t even do anyt.in. nice anymore....


Well-known member
i dont think she was saying that every single person who lives in the ghetto is a theif.
oh man my bf used to live in the ghetto and we went out to his car one day and there was a crackhead asleep in his backseat EW


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
I meant to hit quote, not thanks. Anyways, how dare you describe the ghetto as uh, the basis of all that is detestable and lowly. I'm the kind of person that gives people the benefit of the doubt (I know, how logical of me, to not assume that because of where a person lives that they automatically should be put in a lineup for stealing $3.00 worth of plastic candy canes) regardless of where they live. Sometimes people live there because of situations and circumstances that happened in their lives beyond their control (i.e. fires, layoffs, hard times). Not everyone that lives there wants to live there or is nasty or steals or commit acts of violence and crime. That's what the media hypes up. No one tells stories of the people who make it out of the ghetto and go back to help mentor young ladies and men and let them know there is life beyond what they see surrounding them. But God forbid they do tell those stories because people want to keep them in a box as moochers, crackheads and thieves

Those stories are wonderful stories and when they happen, they're amazing triumphs over some really unimaginable odds. Truly.

But the media isn't hyping up the fact that crime and poverty and drug abuse is rampant in a ghetto.

I didn't get the impression that she was saying all people in ghettos should line up and be shot, nor did she condemn them all to life in prison.
Experience has taught her, from where she lives and the things that go on daily, that when things like this happen in her neighborhood, it's because someone from the ghetto did it.
And, honestly, they likely did. They likely are not in the financial situation to afford Christmas decorations like that, and wanted them, so they took them.
Give people the benefit of the doubt? Absolutely. But at the same time, be realistic about certain circumstances.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Those stories are wonderful stories and when they happen, they're amazing triumphs over some really unimaginable odds. Truly.

But the media isn't hyping up the fact that crime and poverty and drug abuse is rampant in a ghetto.

I didn't get the impression that she was saying all people in ghettos should line up and be shot, nor did she condemn them all to life in prison.
Experience has taught her, from where she lives and the things that go on daily, that when things like this happen in her neighborhood, it's because someone from the ghetto did it.
And, honestly, they likely did. They likely are not in the financial situation to afford Christmas decorations like that, and wanted them, so they took them.
Give people the benefit of the doubt? Absolutely. But at the same time, be realistic about certain circumstances.

Good point, Shimmer. And I can always respect your opinion as being level-headed. It would have been one thing if she came on here and said "Some jerk stole my Christmas decorations", but ghetto piece of s***? Had it been someone from the suburbs would she have said "Suburb piece of s***"? No. I'm just trying to put everyone in another person's shoes and make them think about what they're saying. It's classification and whether or not she said EVERYONE, it doesn't matter. Two people (including the person who started the thread) on here said their boyfriends lived in the ghetto, so what makes them better than the other people who lived in the ghetto?
Why were they singled out? Because it was their boyfriend and they couldn't possibly commit the acts that "normal" ghetto people do? Come on.


Well-known member
personal interaction always changes perspective.
and, there's a difference between people who have lived in ghettos their entire lives and people who, as you pointed out earlier, fell on hard times and had to go there because there wasn't anywhere else to go.
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