Going from DARK to BLONDE?! (pics)


New member
Hey! So I have really dark hair......
CIMG0611 on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The last time I dyed it was the end of August (i have naturally brown hair, but have been dying it dark brown about twice a year for 3 years now) .. I have been contemplating going blonde for a while now, and finally decided that I want to do it but of course I have some reservations about it.

This is how light I want to go....

Will they have to bleach my hair to get that light (like completely lift my hair of all color) and also, my hair is really long, will I have to chop it all off if I go that light?


Well-known member
I'm assuming you are going to go to a salon for this?

You'll probably find they won't be able to get it as light as you want the first time you go. Gradual highlights are usually the best way to get dark hair lighter without an all over brassy effect. But yeah, they will have to use bleach or a hi-lift blonde at the very least so prepare your hair for a bit of damage but if it's done by someone who know's what they are doing, this should be minimal.

Go for a consultation with your hairdresser, they will know what they can and can't do for you


Well-known member
My mum's hair is naturally the colour you have in the first photo, and she is currently an ash blonde which is lighter than the colour in the second photo. She gets a ton of tiny tiny highlights, and each time she goes they add more. It wasn't super blonde at the beginning, but she transitioned without a lot of damage.


Well-known member
I agree with the other posts. Just continue adding more, its the safest way to do it with the least amount of roots(but you still will get them).