Going on a trip alone... what is with everyone?


Well-known member
I just turned 30 in April and right now I'm single. I have no kids yet and a pretty awesome job at a school where I get all the same vacations and breaks as the kids. I also get 2 weeks paid vacation on top of that so when someone I know offered me a great deal on a timeshare anywhere I wanted to go, I decided to go to Scotland b/c I've ALWAYS wanted to go there. I did ask a few friends if they'd like to go with me but no one was able to go so I decided that I'd go alone. This is my first trip out of the country AND my first trip somewhere alone and I'm really getting excited about it but it seems like almost every person who finds out I'm going to Scotland all ask the same thing: "Why Scotland? Who are you going there with?" and then they act like I'm crazy to go by myself!! What is the big deal? Can't a single girl go off on an adventure on her own?? There's been a few people who were immediately excited for me and told me they thought it was great I was going alone and my boss said "maybe you'll meet a guy like in that P.S. I Love You movie! That would be so fantastic so you need to go walking alone in the country!" and I had to laugh. I would LOVE for that happen but I won't hold my breath. Besides, what are the chances I'd really meet Gerard Butler? LOL.
Anyway, I just had to rant for a second about all these close minded people who don't seem to think it's a great idea for me to enjoy a vacation in a great area by myself. What is the deal???


Well-known member
I think it is a great opportunity and I am sure you will have a blast....However I personally do not like to vacation alone either....when I go somewhere exciting like Europe I prefer to go with a close friend or my husband I just have more fun that way personally...I love having someone to share the experience with...Plus I am always afraid I will get lost alone...I rather be lost with someone else
...But if you are the type of person that likes to be alone and can enjoy travelling solo I think that you should be fine.

I hope you have a wonderful time there.

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
I have to agree with TISH. I am not the type to travel alone either. I would much rather have someone to share the experiences with. I don't meet people easily (guess I'm a little shy) so I think it would be hard for me.

If you are cool with it though I think it will be a great opportunity for you. It's like an adventure! Hope you have tons of fun and make lots of great new memories!!


Well-known member
Don't worry

Either these people are afraid for you, or just don't understand.
I went to New York on my own last May and my mother wouldnt stop worrying, even tho I'm 29 and I knew people over there (Hi Adina!) and the first 2 days I was with 2 friends, she kept on worrying I wouldnt find my way and get lost.

What is wrong with people? I would say that when they don't understand something, they get frightened easily and will do everthing in their power to convince you you can't do it, because they wouldnt.

Don't let this loser attitude get to you and do whatever you like in life

I am sure you will have the greatest time of your life!


Well-known member
^^ Did you not go on Business? I have gone to many places on Business alone I agree...NY, Vegas, California, South Africa, etc....But on vacation I just haven't...There is nothing wrong with it but I just haven't done it and personally prefer someone to share the experience with...I wish I did have the balls to travel on Vacation alone to places I have never been or don't know anyone...I just don't


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
^^ Did you not go on Business? I have gone to many places on Business alone I agree...NY, Vegas, California, South Africa, etc....But on vacation I just haven't...There is nothing wrong with it but I just haven't done it and personally prefer someone to share the experience with...I wish I did have the balls to travel on Vacation alone to places I have never been or don't know anyone...I just don't

I went for the makeup show but spent 2 days after on my own visiting

Makeup Emporium

Well-known member
Business trips alone I have done MANY times. We have offices in NY & NJ and over the last 10 years I have been on more than 50 business trips; each ranging from a day to 9 days. Then in NY I would always stay an extra day or 2 for some shopping!
That's different; people don't normally bring someone when they travel on business.


Well-known member
I love traveling alone and on the flip side I love bringing my husband along when it's possible for him to join me. Since he has drastically less flexibility with his job, I do go many places alone both on business and for pleasure. I have a very independent personality though, so being alone somewhere completely foreign is exciting rather than intimidating. Grats on your trip to Scotland! I would kill to travel internationally, I hope you have a wonderful time.


Well-known member
Up here in AK, a lot of people spend the winter traveling- they use all their money they saved up working in the summer. A lot of those that I've talked to go places by themselves, and they usually prefer it that way, because they meet new people along the way, and will either travel with them or at least share cab fare or go on a tour or whatever. Plus it can be tricky to rely on friends to commit to vacations sometimes, so they will just plan their trip and if a friend wants to join in, fine, but they don't let that deter them from going where they want to go.

I think you are going to love Scotland. Doubtful that you'll run in to Gerard Butler, but you will for sure meet some great people and be overwhelmed by the beauty of the country. It is so gorgeous there, and generally a safe place, so enjoy your trip and the chance to do what you want to do while there!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I went for the makeup show but spent 2 days after on my own visiting

Yeah that is what I have done went for a purpose then stayed a few days extra visiting friends/shopping/gambling, etc ...But I just have never planned a foreign vacation just for relax and leisure solo...Like I said I would love to have the nerve to do that...I just have never done it before...and i guess i just like doing it so much with my bff, husband and sister that I just don't think of doing it alone
Probably if I didn't have travel buddies I might think about it..I would be nervous and excited all rolled in one


Well-known member
hhhmmm i've never really gone on a proper holiday on my own before - i've gone away with work for a few days on my own but it's only a few hours away usually.

however i would totally go for a long weekend in new york on my own! my hubby wouldn't enjoy all the shopping and i don't have a friend to go with so would be fine going on my own. i think it'll be exciting!


Well-known member
I backpacked for a year alone all over Asia. But I shouldn't say alone because I met so many amazing, memorable people along the way - locals and traveleres alike.

Best experience ever. I highly recommend it to anyone. It takes guts to travel by yourself, so do it! Anyway, 2 weeks really isn't that long.


Well-known member
Wow! That's awesome. Given the opportunity to travel to my lust-destination to Greece... hell, I think I would take it too... doesn't matter if it's alone.

I've never really had the opportunity to travel alone.. but man, it sounds so self indulgent... you're in a fantastic place, with budgeted money to spend, and you get to pick exactly what you do and when... and no one to possibly damper the mood.

Congrats to you! Just be safe, of course. Always be prepared! (boy scouts... sigh)... But when going to a different country, I've always been very at ease simply by doing overwhelming amounts of research. I really felt like I had a good grasp on what was going on and it let me concentrate on being alert and staying safe. I look up things like what to eat, where it is from my hotel, how much it will be (so I don't get overcharged), what areas are safe, what taxis charge, laws of the road if you plan to drive (also good to know as a pedestrian), and the US travel advisory board on warnings.

Have a fabulous time and take lots of pics!

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