Going to MAC Pro to check out Barbie


Well-known member
this Sunday I am going to check out the new collection I am really excited to see this stuff, I don't go to to PRO Store everytime a new collection is coming out so this is really special. If I buy anything on Sunday I will post in the swatch area for you all to see.



Well-known member
Have fun! The only thing that caught my eye in Barbie was the Springtime Skipper e/s. Let us know how you like the collection!

ShuShu Fontanah

Active member
Our "Preview Party" thing is on Sunday Starting at 3:30. Apperntly our stor is doing the party in "shifts" i guess you could call them? You could sign up for 3:30, 4:00, 4:30 etc...

So I guess after 3:30 Sunday I'll have some swatches for ya too


Well-known member
Awww, I was at the counter last night and the girl told me they have everything in the back already... I wanted to bumrush her and bust down the door. She told me that EVERYTHING has the little barbie profile logo embossed on it and she also said the colors were really girly and she wanted to buy everything. I generally get along really well with this girl and we have a lot of the same taste in colors so I am super excited for this!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Luna*
Awww, I was at the counter last night and the girl told me they have everything in the back already... I wanted to bumrush her and bust down the door. She told me that EVERYTHING has the little barbie profile logo embossed on it and she also said the colors were really girly and she wanted to buy everything. I generally get along really well with this girl and we have a lot of the same taste in colors so I am super excited for this!

damn...they all have the little barbie logo? mac needs to stop with this special packaging because it's killing me hah. i'm stoked to see how the light pink lipglass looks.


Well-known member
I called the pro store in ny, and asked the girl if I could order it on the phone today, and have it processed tomorrow. I dont' want to bother them tomorrow when it comes out, cause I know they'd be busy. She let me place my whole order on the phone, and it's getting shipped out tomorrow! Barbie and all!!
BTW, there's a limit of 1 barbie per customer. Didn't know if that was posted anywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shootergirlnc
I called the pro store in ny, and asked the girl if I could order it on the phone today, and have it processed tomorrow. I dont' want to bother them tomorrow when it comes out, cause I know they'd be busy. She let me place my whole order on the phone, and it's getting shipped out tomorrow! Barbie and all!!
BTW, there's a limit of 1 barbie per customer. Didn't know if that was posted anywhere.

Ooohhh, what did you order??


Well-known member
I ordered all the shadows, 3 lipglosses (didn't get the dark one), and the barbie. I'll wait till the beauty powders are online before I order those. Need to get paid before I buy anything else!


Well-known member
i thought it wasn't coming out till the 13th. how did the pro store sell it to you already? i'm confused.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by franimal
i thought it wasn't coming out till the 13th. how did the pro store sell it to you already? i'm confused.

A few select stores are releasing it early (11th) as a special Unveiling event

forgot to add.. have fun pascal! I have to wait til the 13th
I can't wait


Well-known member
I called thr PRO STore in LA yesterday, and I was just making sure that they will be receiving it by this weekend so I can drive down there and buy some BARBIE stuff, but the girl who answered the phone told me that I was misinformed, that it will only be available the 13th, at the PRO Store, but sometimes people at MAC Pro don't know what the fuck they are talking about, so I will call back between today and sunday and get the right response, cause I don't know who's misinformed, me or her ?


Well-known member
It came out today, the 8th in NY. The girl called me to tell me that my order was processed, and that it was getting shipped out today. The only thing I wasn't able to get was the lipglass, sweetness. It was the only thing that got delayed getting sent there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pascal
I called thr PRO STore in LA yesterday, and I was just making sure that they will be receiving it by this weekend so I can drive down there and buy some BARBIE stuff, but the girl who answered the phone told me that I was misinformed, that it will only be available the 13th, at the PRO Store, but sometimes people at MAC Pro don't know what the fuck they are talking about, so I will call back between today and sunday and get the right response, cause I don't know who's misinformed, me or her ?

that's weird. I thought all PRO stores would start selling them today? I live around LA area too and was thinking about going to the PRO store, but I just might have to hold off then. hmmm...

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