Going to make up academy!!!!


Well-known member
Hi guys
I just wanted to post this as I am so excited!! I set myself goals that seemed so impossible but i've finally obtained them! I have been working in a cafe and sandwich for the past year, Its not been fun, its been tiring, dirty (I miss my manicured nails!) and also had really bad pay. I set myself the goal of saving (around $6,000) to do two makeup courses (Intermediate and advanced) I finally reached my goal and got a call from the academy today saying I will be accepted!!!!!!!

I know it doesnt seem like much but i'm so proud of myself. Ive never really stuck to things before, but this shows how desperately I wanted to go through with my dream career. Im also going to train in Hair too! I caaaan't wait, I feel like my life is finally beginning!


Well-known member
Congratulations on achieving your goals through hard work and dedication. That's seriously awesome.


Well-known member
wow, congratz! You should be really proud of yourself! You make your dreamm come true
Someone's gonna be a great make-up artist and earn tons of money