Good luck on finals


Well-known member
Since many of us are students and the semester is drawing to a close for us, I just wanted to wish everyone well and a hearty GOOD LUCK on their finals (and/or term paper). It's a stressful time for all, and for me (at least) this is one of the ways I'm able to destress from a long day at school. So, thank you Specktra, and again...good luck to all you students studying for finals.


Well-known member
thank you, I definitely need luck for the next 2 weeks! I have term papers, presentations, and lab praticum this week, and back to back finals on the same day next week! arrgghhh!!!

Good luck everyone!!!


Well-known member
Yes good luck everyone on doing final cramming/paper writing. Ugh I cannot wait for this to be over! (I think I'll be done in April and then can make some $$ to pay for my mac addiction!)