Good waterproof mascara?


New member
Well I'm in need of a good waterproof mascara. My bf, who I was so very much in love with broke up with me last night (through text message I might add), and I'm afraid I'll cry all my makeup off at work tonight and look like a zombie, but I would at least like my mascara to stay in tact! Any recommendations?

Kiss and Makeup

Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that..what a crappy thing to do!

If you're looking for something drug store, Covergirl has good waterproof mascaras. They've made it through tears, salt water, the pool..everything. Absolutely love them.

For higher end mascaras, it's really up to personal perference. I've used Make Up Forever before, which was pretty good. Those are really the only two I've used, since I'm not into the waterproof. Hope that helps!