Gossip Girl


Well-known member
Last night's was pretty crazy!! I can't help it but I was rooting for Chuck and Blair to get together.. but it looks like that won't be happening! The next one is really on the 28th? God, that's ages away!


Well-known member
i'm not sure if i understood what Chace said on Regis & Kelly but the 1st season episodes will start again on January 28th so if you missed anything or just want to watch it again, you can watch it then. it's moving to a new night but they didn't say anything about a new episode.


Well-known member
I'm LOVING GG right now! At first I thought, eh it was an alright show.. I'm not gonna say I'm into it because everyone else I knew watched it, but now I'm glad that my friends made me watch it because I'm obsessed. ahaha. And not just because THEY watch it. I'm so in love with Dan! lol. I think he's so hot.


Well-known member
there are no more new ones. The writers strike threw a monkey wrench in there. I would check the descriptions and see if maybe you've missed one.


Well-known member
but apparently it looks like the strike may be over by the end of the weekend, some ppl are saying they are 99% certain its worked out. I hope they are right, but there will definitely be some time delay before new shows (and they said new ones would prob be in march but only maybe 5-6 episodes of some shows and then they'd still have their summer hiatus til fall).

The crappy programming that some channels have put to fill the void just stinks.


Well-known member
i remember reading somewhere in a magazine stating that Gossip Girl is on hiatus right now. it didn't said anything about Gossip Girl not having any new episodes due to the writer's strike.


Well-known member
everywhere I've read online says the hiatus is due to the strike. BuzzSugar but apparently I just read they could be back to work this week and new episodes in April? *shrug* I just want it back!!

sandyyyy <3

Well-known member
Until April?! That's such a long wait!! I hope they have it sooner if not that means I need to start watching my Asian dramas again lol.


Well-known member
LOL yea I guess we'll have to hear for the official word on when new stuff comes back. I guess in a way its good as I SHOULD be concentrating on school before summer......but I miss my weekly tv break from school work!


Well-known member
Ok GG - totally obsession. Am I the only one that really wants Chuck and Blair to get together? I hope the new episoides start rolling in March and not April. I read that the WGA is going to decide tomorrow whether they accept the terms of their contracts or not. PLEASE accept!


Well-known member
LOL I'm on the Chuck-Blair bandwagon. He's outwardly trying to be a bad ass but you can kinda tell he does have a soft side which I hope is explored more. I think they could tone each other down. I'm all for it! Nate is cute and all, but imagine him with Jenny? That could be interesting and would PISS Blair off I'm sure.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sandyyyy <3
Has anyone watched any of the episodes lately? I haven't been able to catch up!

i haven't been watching it because its all old episodes. you can watch it on cwtv.com


Well-known member
Lordy I cannot wait for this show to start back up! I was unsure of it the first couple of episodes but soon I somehow got sucked in. Plus, they play/feature great music! I've downloaded quite a few songs off iTunes because of this show.

I reeeeally want Lily & Rufus to get together. lol :p


^I knnnow!!! Lily and Rufus will be perfect together!
*sigh* but imagine your own kid dating the son/daughter of the one you love;(