Graduation makeup recs please =)


Well-known member
I'm graduating next Saturday and need help planning my makeup. I'll be getting my Doctorate degree so we have these ugly olive green hoods (seriously, it reminds me of mold) over the traditional black cap and gown. But of course, I'm going to be taking tons of pictures with friends and family without my cap and gown and want to look nice.

Here's the dress I'll be wearing underneath:

For reference: NC30, asian complexion, brown eyes, dark brown hair

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


Well-known member
That dress is gorgeous! I think it would look great with classic pin up makeup, with red lips that compliment the red of the dress, or a colourful smokey eye based on the colour of the dress with pinky lips. Congrats on graduation!


Well-known member
Congratulations! I will be graduating and receiving my Master's degree the same day.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
That dress is gorgeous! I think it would look great with classic pin up makeup, with red lips that compliment the red of the dress, or a colourful smokey eye based on the colour of the dress with pinky lips. Congrats on graduation!

Thanks! I love the idea of both looks! Now I really want to try each one out and see how I like them.


Well-known member
I'd do a few practice rounds and see what looks best. Olive green with a black hat, i'd suggest a dark smokey eye, but since your dress is so colorful, i think i'd put some color into the eyes and a mild red lipstick basically the same thing that Tahti said.


Well-known member
I would say a bronzey, glowy look will be just perfect. Plus, summer is just around the corner. Maybe use a bronze e/s and darken the outer corners just a bit, lots of mascara, nice glowy skin and natural lips or red lips (as mentioned before) would be great.
Since your dress has is "busy" keep your makeup more toned down so your makeup and your dress won't be fighting for attention. haha! congrats!

p.s. did u get ur dress from express?? i swear i saw it there. haha or maybe it was something similar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by L1LMAMAJ

p.s. did u get ur dress from express?? i swear i saw it there. haha or maybe it was something similar.

Yup, it's from Express! I bought it on sale for like 30 bucks.

Thanks for all the suggestions! I'm definitely gonna try out some looks and see what works and what doesn't. Kinda leaning towards simple eye makeup w/ red lips.


Well-known member
With the simple eye makeup I would go for golds, that would go with both the dress and the ugly green. Congratulations! I can't wait until I graduate haha.