Grandma's off her rocker


Well-known member
I'm having the worst time. My Nana has early stage alzheimers disease, and she is going to kill my mom with stress. She can't be put in a home because she is still with it enough to have say over what she does. Yesterday, she called the cops on her health care workers that come in 4 times a day to give her her medication. She told the police drug dealers were forcing her to get high. My poor mom is diabetic and has a heart condition and is not dealing with this very well. My nana continually phones and berates my mom and tells her that my mom has ruined her life. My mom phoned me sobbing yesterday and I just grabbed Graham and jumped in the car and drove 1 1/2 hours to Mom's place. I was so worried about her. The problem is that Nana is pretty healthy despite the brain deterioration, but my mom is not in good health at all. The worst thing for a brittle diabetic is stress. I am so scared my Mom's heart is going to give out on her, and I just don't know what to do. Sorry for the long-winded post. I am just so sad and at a loss.


Well-known member
I know how you grandmother has dementia, and my parents just couldn't take care of her anymore (she messes herself and never knows what time it is...she won't eat, sleep, or take her medications) so they had to put her in a home. She calls them constantly at all hours telling them all kinds of bizarre things, most of which are not true, but she believes them. It's my father's mother, and it has been super hard on him, because he's no spring chicken either, and he doesn't really know what to do and he's having a really hard time dealing with/understanding all of this. It's sad for me too because it seems like it happened overnight, and my grandmother is a completely different person and the old her is suddenly gone. A long-winded way of saying, I feel for you and understand. *hugs*


Well-known member
i think your grandma needs to go elsewhere at least part of the time or some in-home help needs to be hired to take some of the stress off of your mom.
my paternal grandma was a brittle diabetic & it killed her. i'm sorry your family is going through so much w/ this.
wish i could give your mom a hug.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone. It just helps to be able to write everything down and get it off my chest. I am just so worried about my mom


Well-known member
It sounds like your grandmother definitely needs looking after by professionals, because once a person with dementia starts making...unusual claims (like the one you say she reported to the cops), that's pretty indicative that she isn't that 'with it'. Especially if her behaviour can potentially affect the life of non-demented relatives.

I'm probably biased because both my parents look after exactly these people (registered psych nurses; it's a bloody hard job too). I cannot imagine how hard it would be for non-trained persons to deal with such relatives...I really hope you work something out. Please do consider trying to get her to a home; the last thing you want is for your mum's health to collapse and for your own to deteriorate as a result of stress for both your mother and grandmother.

Hope things improve, whatever you decide to do.


Well-known member
OMG I'm so sorry to hear that!!! I know what stress does with a diabetic person, my dad suffers from it too(badly). I hope your for your mother that your nana goes to something like a nursing home, where she will get professional care from professionals. Maybe she not that ill mentally, but obviously her condition is too much for your mother to handle.