Grey and azure


Well-known member
Ok, I think I blended this MUCH better than the last pictures, but DAMN it took me AN HOUR to do my eyeshadow.

No, I'm not was an hour of blending, reapplying, rinse, repeat. Lord, I need to get better AND faster at this.

The colors used were Fyrinnae's Equality on the inner corner, BE's Azure in the middle, and Fyrinnae's Japan in the outer corner. Fyrrinae's Winter, Again as highlighter, with Pure Sugar on top.

So how is it that you all can do your whole face in like 30 minutes, and it be blended, and it took me an hour just for my eyes? LOL! I suck at this!


Well-known member
i really like this. And you will get faster!

Ive been doing full face of makeup (minus eyeshadows) for years, so i had that down in like 8 minutes lol. So when i added doing eyeshadows, it would seriously take me like an hour to do my makeup lol mostly just eyeshadows haha. Now, i can do all my face, plus eyeshadows in under 30 minutes.

It really just takes practice.


Well-known member
Thanks, everyone!! I'm off work tonight, and terribly sick (again), so I think I'm going to play around and practice eyeshadow. I notice some people, in their FOTD's, they bring the color up past just the lid and crease, to where there's only a tiny bit of highlight color. I'm gonna try that, and see what it looks like.

Because I have fat eyelids (a la hound dogs), you can't really see the color unless I close my eyes, or extend it past the edges, like I normally do.