Grr X 2


Well-known member
So I was walking with the Mr. in a store yesterday...minding my own waddling business & up comes these 2 ladies. They loudly exclaim that I must be having twins. Look...I'm 5 foot fucking 2...& Riley's a huge giant mutant baby. I can't help it that my tummy's huge
So, I tried to laugh it off, but darn it, it's not like I'm not already self-conscious.


Plus, I'm anxious as all hell to have this child already. It's hard to get comfy, breathe, eat, & a myriad of other things. So, I exercise my God-given right to whine a bit. Then I hear from other people - people who haven't even HAD children to 'be patient - it'll happen before you know it'. That irritates me. Of course...everything irritates me. I just wanted to gripe a bit. Thanks for listening.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
All I can say is, is that I totally know where your coming from. But on the plus side, he can't hide in there forever and you really do look great considering you are so close to your due date. I looked a hot mess when I was that far along. Don't worry about those women. All that should matter is that you know that your little man is healthy.


Well-known member
You look great Devin. People always want to offer their unsolicited advice, thoughts, feelings etc on EVERYTHING!! You are almost there!


Well-known member
i think it's absolutely beautiful i was waiting my whole pregnancy for my belly to get that big.... but kinda filled out everywhere else. It's not like you are fat looking at you i can obviously tell you're pregnant and i think belly's just look bigger on shorter women. go ahead and get it out ...i know i hated everyone and everything before i gave birth. And I love that people who have no clue about your situation always want to give you advie about it. i couldn't even stand the smell of my boyfriend. and oh god i was so moody.


Well-known member
Pregnant women are some of THE most beautiful women! They're glowing AND pregnancy is a state of health. Poo on them because you are lovely


Well-known member
Pregnant women are so gorgeous, and you are no exception.

People say stupid shit. Constantly. I would've said something like "I know! But when are you due?" lol. You look great. I know you probably feel miserable.


Well-known member
Hey sweetie, I don't really have much advice to offer so I'll just say that you look great and that you're so close! Pretty soon you'll have your baby in your arms and you'll forget about all of what you're feeling right now.


Well-known member
Were the women rude? I can't tell from your explanation. It just sounds like the type of thing that people say. I don't think they meant any harm. You are petite and your stomach has grown quite a bit. I had a friend like that. She is very petite and when she was pregnant she got sooooo big but only in her stomach. I would have sworn it was a mutiple birth. She looked so uncomfortable too. Anyway, I think that people lack the typical social filter where pregnant women are concerned. It's just like strangers coming up to you and touching your stomach. It's not really appropriate but they don't mean to cross a line or be offensive.


Well-known member
Thank you all for your support!

Originally Posted by aziajs
Were the women rude? I can't tell from your explanation. It just sounds like the type of thing that people say. I don't think they meant any harm. You are petite and your stomach has grown quite a bit. I had a friend like that. She is very petite and when she was pregnant she got sooooo big but only in her stomach. I would have sworn it was a mutiple birth. She looked so uncomfortable too. Anyway, I think that people lack the typical social filter where pregnant women are concerned. It's just like strangers coming up to you and touching your stomach. It's not really appropriate but they don't mean to cross a line or be offensive.

I don't think they intended to necessarily be rude. It's just tough because, like I said, I'm pretty self-conscious. I didn't like lash out or anything, I just smiled & said I'm just having one. I never said my feelings were justified or rational, lol...I just know I'm huge & reminders by strangers are sometimes hard to swallow. Thanks for the comment


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
when you're stressed and uncomfortable it's easy to take things the wrong way. i'm sure they weren't trying to offend you.

Hehe, yes I know they weren't purposefully trying to offend me. It's just impossible for it to not sting a little is all. I'm very tolerant & understanding - thus why I didn't like scream at them or anything. I just needed a little Specktra vent session is all


Well-known member
Ack, that would aggravate me so much, I'm sorry!
What is it about pregnancy that gives strangers license to touch you, ask you a series of questions, and have a little running commentary concerning you in public? One of my friends had gotten asked while pregnant how old she was and if she was "really ready", complete with the empathy noise and a real dramatic eyebrow lift. Total strangers, total busybodies. Yeesh.

Oh, and the countless well meaning people who molest your poor stomach, I get that they're just sharing the joy, takes a village and all, but I'm sure plenty of mothers would rather be able to go grocery shopping without the village manhandling her at every turn.

You look adorable though!


Well-known member
Don't mind them. You look fabulous. Being pregnant must be the most beautiful and sacred thing that can happen to a woman.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DevinGirl
So I was walking with the Mr. in a store yesterday...minding my own waddling business & up comes these 2 ladies. They loudly exclaim that I must be having twins. Look...I'm 5 foot fucking 2...& Riley's a huge giant mutant baby. I can't help it that my tummy's huge
So, I tried to laugh it off, but darn it, it's not like I'm not already self-conscious.


Plus, I'm anxious as all hell to have this child already. It's hard to get comfy, breathe, eat, & a myriad of other things. So, I exercise my God-given right to whine a bit. Then I hear from other people - people who haven't even HAD children to 'be patient - it'll happen before you know it'. That irritates me. Of course...everything irritates me. I just wanted to gripe a bit. Thanks for listening.

Awww hon, I know how you feel
In 1997 I gave birth to Joshua Alexander, who came out a couple of weeks before Christmas, weighing 10 lbs. 5 oz. The hospital staff dubbed him the "Lil Christmas Turkey" because he was the biggest baby they had seen that year.

He stands almost 5'3" now and is skinny as a beanpole. I'm 5'7" and he's catching up fast. He's only 10 years old. He's half an inch taller than his older brother, who has 14 months on him age-wise. My sons are the greatest joy to me and I'm sure your lil guy will bring you endless days of happiness
Even if he's testing the limits of the human body and your uterine wall, lol. *hugs*

Everybody swore up and down that I was having twins because I looked exactly as you did, and it was soooo uncomfortable those last few weeks. I know my response is already tl;dr by this point, but I just wanted to give you support from somebody who has been there.

You look lovely, so keep smiling


Well-known member
Hi hon...I think you look beautiful..and I can tell you that I see myself in you...I´m a short woman too, I´m 1.60 so sure in foots but I think that it's 5 and something...maybe! I honestly hope to look as beautiful as you are when I will be that far..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DevinGirl
Look...I'm 5 foot fucking 2...& Riley's a huge giant mutant baby.

HAHAHA! Sorry, but man that's funny!

I *have* been there, dear, and I know how miserable the end is. Maybe next time you should slap the piss out of the ol' biddies. THAT would make you feel better!

I just have to say... I love those pics. Especially the bathing suit one. You look stunning, hon. Don't let anyone make you think differently!