(HAA): Highlighter Addicts Anonymous


Well-known member
Sorry about that but I just don't feel I've played with it enough to recommend yet. It is not an in your face highlighter. I had the same thoughts about the Estee Lauder one but ended up loving it. I don't want anyone to get it on my rec yet. My dilemma today is I have 2 new highlighters to play with and don't know which one to go with. Hmmm . . . .
ICL, you have the same ailment that I have----PRODUCT OVERLOAD!!!! There is an easy remedy----less haulage, more usage. When I find out how to do that I'll let
you know!!!!


Well-known member
First photo shows Tribulation blush at the top. Sorry about the cut off pic but it shows the color the best. Next two pics are Bronze and Glow Medium Dark. I'm liking the looks of Tribulation blush a bit more today. It is golden but in some light I'm seeing a pink cast. I think it looks like something but I can't place it.


Well-known member
:yahoo: I just ordered Bobbi Brown's Copper Diamond shimmer brick!!! :yahoo: I can hardly contain myself :nanas: I can't believe some Major retailers still have it :) Oh, and the free shipping was icing on the cake!!!!


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]YES & YES PGD!!!!  I think this was one of my first BB Shimmer Bricks & I enjoy it immensely.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  [/COLOR][COLOR=CD69A1] [/COLOR]     
I gave up on finding this for a decent amount of money, but your swatches ignited my determination! I HAD to find it! And I did! Thanks Meddy ♡♡♡


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF]YES & YES PGD!!!!  I think this was one of my first BB Shimmer Bricks & I enjoy it immensely.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  [/COLOR][COLOR=CD69A1] [/COLOR]     
:yahoo: I just ordered Bobbi Brown's Copper Diamond shimmer brick!!! :yahoo: I can hardly contain myself :nanas: I can't believe some Major retailers still have it :) Oh, and the free shipping was icing on the cake!!!!
Where'd you get it? If you don't mind me asking...


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] When I got it I didn't realize it was limited edition.  I've had it for quite awhile.  If I see it I'll definitely let you know!!!:frenz: [/COLOR]
Lawd I need to leave this thread alone lol I just picked up laura merciers' indiscretion (yes I know I'm late) AND Nars blush duo in Jubilation. This has to stop lol!


Well-known member
I mean can I get a hook up too?... lol what is this awesomeness everyone is talking about?
Pm'd you ;)
   :yahoo: [COLOR=0000FF]I hope you love it babe!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] You know several retailers still have this hanging around.[/COLOR]
I had no idea it was still floating around!!! Glad I did some light investigation! I'm going to cherish it! When it was released, I wasn't into makeup at all


Well-known member
Lawd I need to leave this thread alone lol I just picked up laura merciers' indiscretion (yes I know I'm late) AND Nars blush duo in Jubilation. This has to stop lol!
:lmao: welcome to the club!!! There is no end, just more highlighters :shock:
   @YarahFlower  [COLOR=0000FF]​will respond when she sees your post.  The struggle is real!!![/COLOR]:lol:  
Lol, le struggle!!!! I sent her a pm :heart:


Well-known member
Picked up champagne pop today. Holy crap it's intense! It was love at first swatch! The formula I'd TDF they had Opal next it and imo it blows it completely out of the water!