Hair disaster

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Never let your mother trim your ends
I look horrible now!!!


Please does anyone know growing tips??? Please???


Well-known member
Oh wow
Didn't you have hair to your butt?

I really really don't think you should worry that much, your hair look beautiful!
As far as growing goes, all you can do is take good care of your hair (no heating) and to not overwash it. Alot of sun will be liked by your hair, and there's b-vitamin supplements that's good for the hair.

Other then that I'm sorry to say but, the only way is time

If you don't consider extensions, which I think would be extra costly for you, since you already have long and thick hair.

And really your hair is great! I mean alot of girls get extensions to get the lenght you have already


Well-known member
I think it looks nice, though!

Fortunately now, I have a haircut that's so (for lack of a better word) 'punky,' that I can basically hack at it if I want to and it still looks good. It's really layered and pretty much entirely razor-cut, so I don't even have to do anything for it to look crazy.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Folic Acid and scalp massage is what did the trick when I cut off 10 inches of mine. Also, try not to use the same shampoo two days in row. I like it but I know how it is for others to like your hair and you HATE it. Good luck.


Well-known member
girl... i just cut my hair. and its way shorter than yours. i would KILL to have your hair!!


Well-known member
i think it still looks great! but i do know what it feels like to chop off so much hair. trust me, you'll love it in a week or so when it loses that "freshly cut" look.


Well-known member
At least now all the ends will be all nice and healthy and you can always go to the salon and maybe cut in some cute layers or something. Don't worry, it will grow back.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It looks fine to me. The only way to grow your hair faster is take care of it so that it's not going to break. Make sure you have a healthy diet, trim your ends when they look raggedy.

If you really miss your long hair, your hair looks wavy. You could always straighten it, which give you probably an inch or two more. I wouldn't; you have beautiful hair.


Well-known member
You might try taking biotin. I've only been taking it for like a week, but it's really helped my nails, and people say it makes your hair grow faster.


Well-known member
Your hair looks fine... Plus summer is coming.It will grow out again.
I'm in the same situation My hair is your length now however it was past my hips really thick and wavy my DH cut it and I could of donated almost half of what he messed up.Right now it's as long as yours though.


Well-known member
Do you have a cosmetology school near you? When I was in school, one of the girls gave me a treatment that was intended to make hair grow. Hard to tell on myself, it already grows like a weed, although her nails grew REALLY fast (let me explain)

It's an ionic electric treatment; you know those kitchy plasma balls that when you touch it all the sparks go to your finger?? It's like that, but in a rake that the technician runs along your scalp. Then she has you hold it and massages your scalp with her fingers, and you can feel it in her fingertips (hence the growing nails)

Anyway, you can ask...