The best thing to get hair dye funnily enuff hair dye! Trust me I work in a salon....put some on your hands and soap it up with shampoo and it should do the trick.
Originally Posted by bellamia If you take the ashes of a cigarette and add some shamapoo it get the color off. Its an old trick that color specialist use.
As soon as I saw the topic of this thread I was about to jump in and suggest this, but you beat me to it!
It sounds kind of gross, but it really does work like a champ.
The beauty supply store has a product I believe called SOKLEAN (might be spelled incorrectly) that gently removes the stain.
Yes, its sort of disgusting, but the cigarette ash works too; just make sure you wash up really well, I smoke and the stink even bothera me.
Nail polish remover might be too rough on your skin. I tried that in the past and it peeled my skin pink, and I don't have senitive skin.
When I was still dyeing my hair I made sure to always wear gloves & vaseline along my hair line & ears. It doesn't happen to everyone, but a few people (regardless of skin color) gets stained w/hair dye.