Halloween 2007


Well-known member
Sooooo....are you guys dressing up this year? If so, what are you wearing?

I love Halloween. It's my favorite "holiday". I don't know if I'll dress up this year or decorate the house but I think we'll still pass out candy. I don't even know what I'd wear if I was going to dress up.

Here are two Halloween looks from Martha Stewart:

Golden Goddess





Well-known member
Martha's a trip. I haven't 100% decided if I'm dressing up or not, but if I do I'm going to be the cheshire cat - the disney version so I can make use of some fun bright colors.

I may end up just having to settle for doing hair and makeup, but I think I can make myself some cute ears, a tail, and maybe some cheshire striped leg warmers quickly and easily if I can find decent fabric.


Well-known member
im soo looking forward to it this year. im going to have a party at home but i dont have any idea what to wear! maybe a vampire? not soo sure yet!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by komischkatze
Martha's a trip. I haven't 100% decided if I'm dressing up or not, but if I do I'm going to be the cheshire cat - the disney version so I can make use of some fun bright colors.

I may end up just having to settle for doing hair and makeup, but I think I can make myself some cute ears, a tail, and maybe some cheshire striped leg warmers quickly and easily if I can find decent fabric.

very nice idea!!!


Well-known member
I'm dressing up as a 1920's flapper, with the darky vampy lipstick, the jazzy clothes, and the bob to go with it. At my counter, our Halloween theme this year is "The Decades", in which every girl/guy has to pick a decade (alot of ppl fought for the 70's) and dress accordingly.


Well-known member
It's my friend's birthday on Halloween so she always have a costume party. This year I'm thinking of going as Little Red Riding Hood; it was my nickname at work. I haven't decided if I'm going as a normal one, zombie one, or dark LRRH. I'm so looking forward to this.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by knoxydoll
It's my friend's birthday on Halloween so she always have a costume party. This year I'm thinking of going as Little Red Riding Hood; it was my nickname at work. I haven't decided if I'm going as a normal one, zombie one, or dark LRRH. I'm so looking forward to this.

Cute! I'd probably do that one in a sort of American McGee style, personally. It's bound to be fun whichever way you decide to go with it.


Well-known member
If I go out I think I'm just gonna dress up straight outta the 80s, because its fun.

I also do theatrical makeup, you know the Gory Kind, so I might do that for some people perhaps myself.

Last year I was a bloodied up Pirate with wounds on my chest, some super drunk ditzy girl came up and said " oh,... my god.. thats gross... Is it real ? "

LoL "yeah.. of course sweetie! I cut myself up for Halloween!yayy!"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
I'm dressing up as a 1920's flapper, with the darky vampy lipstick, the jazzy clothes, and the bob to go with it. At my counter, our Halloween theme this year is "The Decades", in which every girl/guy has to pick a decade (alot of ppl fought for the 70's) and dress accordingly.

Sounds cool. So do you know what everyone else is wearing?


Well-known member
I've always wanted to do dress up as a Playboy Bunny or Dorothy Dandridge. Either way I'd have to lose weight. Maybe next year, especially since Halloween will fall on a Friday so there should be alot going on and a lot of fun.


Well-known member
i LOVE halloween im such a halloween freak. Ive been deciding since like july lol
I finally decided on being alice from alice in wonderland since its always been my favorite disney movie. i cant wait!


Well-known member
I'm a preschool teacher; I always do a cute kiddie costume every year for work. This year I think I'll be Strawberry Shortcake, with rosy cheeks, freckles, and pink falsies.

Then hubby and I go to a wild party every year. Randomly, someone recently gave me a pink sequined bunny ear, bow tie, and tail set, so I think I'll be a Playboy Bunny this time around.

Every year I have these huge schizophrenic contrasts between my work costume and my party costume:

Snow White/Naughthy Catholic Schoolgirl
Cat in the Hat/Dominatrix
Cowgirl/Gwen Stefani

lol, I love dressing up


Well-known member
I'm watching Mel Brooks movies and eating junk food this year.

I was Holly Golightly last year... way fun except my hair extensions (clip ins) were quite heavy. I still have the cigarette holder from when I wore the costume, lol.


Well-known member
I really enjoy dressing up. Last year, I was a demon and the hubby was Satan. People were freaking out. I wasn't recognized at all.

I don't know what I want to be this year. It's tough. I want to be scary. I hate that so many of the women's costumes are looking Playboy or sexy. I like looking scary.


Well-known member
I'm so looking forward to it because I never got to wear a costume on Halloween and this year I'm determined to change that!


Active member
I remember when I was younger, I'd get my Mom to buy me a new costume every year (I've probably dressed up as every Disney princess there is). Thing is, I only went Trick or Treating twice in my life, and I haven't ever been to a Halloween party. We lived in a really bad neighborhood, and my parents didn't like my brother and I going out alone, especially late in the day. The only time I've gone Trick or Treating for myself was when I was around 5 or 6 and went with my parents and brother (before I figured I was too shy to parade around in costume). The other time - I took some of the younger neighborhood girls that I babysat (and I didn't wear a costume, or get any candy for myself. :p)

I do love dressing up though, and if I have an excuse this year, I'm definitely going to. I thought about dressing up as a character from a video game this year, but I'm not sure - anyone have any ideas? I love the bad ass girls in video games especially! No princesses that need saving. :p

I really like the ideas that you guys have come up with.


Well-known member
lol martha needs to stop.
I dunno what I'm doing this year. I'd like to do something because the last few years I havent. I would like to go as something cute like Marilyn monroe or pocahontas/jasmine or something dumb like that.

But those costumes are a little too elaborate/expensive for me. i'd rather just get a mask or a sheet lol...it'd be easier.

I guess I could pass out candy but thats not really fun. I'd rather go and get candy or go to a halloween party or something.

When I was little, this guy used to give out church booklets and cans of pringles (the smaller cans) and serve hot chocolate in front of his house. All the parents were there talking to him so i guess the hot coco wasn't poisoned. *sigh* that was fun. Maybe this year someone will have coffee or something.


Well-known member
It sucks that Halloween itself is in the middle of the week. I'm probably going to be doing all of my partying the weekend beforehand.

I have a couple different costumes in mind (I always like to have at least two looks going as to shake things up.) This year, I'm thinking of the following:

- Vampire, but more gruesome like Max Schreck in 'Nosferatu'
- A Psychobilly Frankenstein Monster
- Dr. Girlfriend (which will be the perfect excuse for me to finally get some Pink Poodle.)

Halloween itself I'm trying to get my butt to Vegas to see Marilyn Manson at The Palms. I'm gonna have to hustle for a plane ticket though, and my current unemployment status is proving to be something of a hinderance.

No candy for the kids though. That's my hard earned candy!


Well-known member
Im generally not one for celebrating halloween, but I must say that I am tempted to dress up as a greek goddess or maybe an egyptian queen. Im feeling historical :-D