some of you may have seen my post on white face powder. well!! I now have 3 samples of full coverage in white and mac studio finish face powder/loose, also in white. and I'm wondering if anyone could give me tips on applying it.
{My dad was on a trip to san francisco so I asked him to stop by the pro store and pick some up for me.
but they were sold out of white studio fix powder, white chromacake, and white full coverage, so they gave him some of the tester. (he said he thought the ma felt bad for him because he was all the way from san diego).}
The full coverage seems really thick, and dry. and actually. I've never seen full coverage, so it might be chromacake. [I wish I could have just gone with him] but since they were sold out of everything I think they gave him the sample of our first choice, which was the full coverage. and then she sold him the studio finish powder to set it.
XD there is baby powder all over my bathroom. I was experimenting with alternatives...
so. a few questions.
1. would it be possible for anyone to verify that it is full coverage from that picture? or, if not, tell me what I might have?
2. i can not find studio finish face powder anywhere on the mac or mac pro website. does anyone know about this?
3. once that is cleared up, could anyone give me some application pointers for whatever it is that I do have? since the sample seems so thick and dry, should I add water to it? would my 190 brush be good to apply it?
thank you so much, in advance. half way through this I starting thinking, "man... I am being a pretty helpess pain in the ass."
{My dad was on a trip to san francisco so I asked him to stop by the pro store and pick some up for me.

The full coverage seems really thick, and dry. and actually. I've never seen full coverage, so it might be chromacake. [I wish I could have just gone with him] but since they were sold out of everything I think they gave him the sample of our first choice, which was the full coverage. and then she sold him the studio finish powder to set it.

these mac sample jars are frickin adorable!

XD there is baby powder all over my bathroom. I was experimenting with alternatives...
so. a few questions.
1. would it be possible for anyone to verify that it is full coverage from that picture? or, if not, tell me what I might have?
2. i can not find studio finish face powder anywhere on the mac or mac pro website. does anyone know about this?
3. once that is cleared up, could anyone give me some application pointers for whatever it is that I do have? since the sample seems so thick and dry, should I add water to it? would my 190 brush be good to apply it?
thank you so much, in advance. half way through this I starting thinking, "man... I am being a pretty helpess pain in the ass."