Halloween Makeup Ideas.. Race Car Driver


Well-known member
Hey everyone,

This is my costume for Halloween.. I'm really lost as to how to do my makeup.. I've tried millions of red and black combos, but they're looking too vampiric and goth-like!.. Please help.. I'm willing to go all out.. I have no problem doing a bold eye and bold lip.. It IS Halloween after all!!


Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
hahaha awwwww! i saw this costume to and i loved it! i would see you in a bold lip maybe red and semi netural eye?!!!


Well-known member
Ok...here's a random thought which might be stupid...but you know how MAC had that ace card halloween look? I'm kind of thinking something similar...do a nice neutral eye and bright red lip, and draw crossed checkered flags on the side of your face. One underneath your eye, so the flag part is sort of hanging down, and one next to your eye with the flag facing your hairline. ...I wish I could draw this to give you a better idea...it looks awesome in my head...looks stupid written down.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone!!.. Lol @ forget regret. I understand what you mean, but I am in NO way skilled enough to do it! HEHE