Happy Humpday 4/16


Well-known member
It's the day that brings you <--> THIS much closer to the weekend! Happy Humpday!

Anyone have any plans for this weekend?

I don't have any myself just yet, maybe dinner with my former boss. Him and his family are good people and my husband and I's age so we do hang out every so often.


Well-known member
Husband bought me a jig saw. I've got paneling and trim to cut to finish the walls of the kitchen, plus moreeeeeee painting to do.

Like I said...wee?


Well-known member
Yo! Happy Humpday!!! I will be garage sale-ing on saturday and weight watchering! Hopefully some booze in the evening with pals. Sunday- Maybe the new outlet in Cypress. Anyone want to meet up!


Well-known member
I have to write a paper I've been putting off, but somehow that's the least homework I've had on a weekend in awhile! Friday is sleepover with boyfriend night (and watch new Degrassi) and I'm hoping to go to the mall because I'm itchingggg for some new Mac (I want plushglasses!) and I just got over being sick and I want to eat some crepes!


Well-known member
Not much planned for the weekend. I've stopped planning the weekends so much and we just do whatever takes our fancy.

My 3 y.o. has a little boy in her class who is having a birthday party this weekend so we'll head over there. We, in my social group, tend to throw parties for the kids that the adults enjoy as social time as well. Lots of beer and BBQing.


Well-known member
mmmm. beer.
mmmm. bbq.

My kids' dad is supposed to be in town this weekend to see the kids. We'll see if that actually happens.


Well-known member
This weekend I will be in Primm (30min outside of Vegas) for the drag races. I am super stoked because the outlet mall in the hotel that we are staying at has a CCO and I CANT WAIT to go haulin'!!!! Friday can't come quick enough. Hope everyone else has an awesome weekend!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
We, in my social group, tend to throw parties for the kids that the adults enjoy as social time as well. Lots of beer and BBQing.

LOL, we have an out of town guest so are doing the Beer & BBQ thing today - happy humpday indeed! As for weekend plans - tons of yard work and either Saturday or Sunday is Passover/Seder dinner at our house since one of my roommates is Jewish. For those who don't know, Seder dinners can run the gamut from very serious, to very fun & loose. Since I am not Jewish, and nor will be half of the people attending be, you can probably guess that this is not a serious affair. Basically it is a fun way to cook a bunch of really good food, get a little cultural exposure, and drink entirely too much Manishevitz (a brand of concord grape wine)
So exciting!


Well-known member
HAPPY HUMP DAY! half way to the weekend!

i actually started my day off pretty bad.. i woke up late and didn't make it to my first class. the plus to that is my husband is on vacation so we got to lounge & be lazy!

my grandpa was just admitted to the hospital so i am going to visit him.

friday night my friends & i are having a girls night..probably get glamed up & get some martinis, then meet the boys later at the bar. saturday is a chill day & sundays i paddle outrigger canoes.

have a good one guys..almost there!


Well-known member
yay for hump day. No fixed plans for the weekend. Hopefully seeing my friends baby, celebrating another friends birthday and packing for my holiday!