I thought the movie was done very well, but like every says, they cut out alot of stuff and also added stuff to the movie that was not true to the book, that is what I founf upsetting. But obviously they can't fit all of the book into a 2 1/2 hour movie. It is the largest of all the books. There were talk earlier on that they were going to make 2 parts to the movie, but decided against it. They should have and relesed it like the Matrix 2 & 3 were, they were released like 6 months apart within the same year. That would have been great and made them more money of course.
The kids are getting to be really good actors, but of course they are working with the best trained actors around. Good Lord was the guy that played Cedric not totally hot or what? I was drooling, and sitting next to my husband no less. hehe.
I though the 3 tasks were done amazingly! The dragon and the merpeople, were just awesome! I have read all the books so far and am just waiting for the 7th book...man i wonder how it will all end...