Harry potter anyone?


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i absolutley loved it! it was so sad when sedrick died but i found fred and george to be really entertaining in this movie. i cannot wait till the next one when malfoy becomes a deatheater, its gonna drive me crazy!! what did everyone else think of it?


Well-known member
I didn't like that the movie left out major plot points (no SPEW, no Harry lending Fred and George money for their joke shop, and for some reason Neville gives Harry the gillyweed??), but it was still good, I thought. The quidditch effects were *worlds* better this time around, which makes it such a shame that you didn't actually see much quidditch at all.

And yeah, Cedric dying was very sad. He was a nice guy, but then, Rowling has a habit of killing them off.

I kinda liked the lack of Malfoy in this movie, simply because I can't stand Tom Felton's portrayal of Malfoy.


Well-known member
I loved it too!!! IMHO this has been the best of all 4 HP movies, and i agree with lovejam, major things were omitted but still i think the scriptwriter made a huge job of taking the bigges book of all 6 (if i recall correctly) amd turning it to a 2:30 long film... i mean, just imagine how much it would have lasted if all major things in the movie had been put in the film. and HEYYYY we can always expect to see the deleted scenes in the DVD, maybe there will be SPEW, winky and much more


Well-known member
I loved every minute of it, I've saw it twice already and I'm seeing again next week.
The graveyard scene was amazing and it was so sad when Harry brought back Cedric's body and he was crying and when Amos Diggory broke down.
I can't wait for book 7 and film 5.


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malfoy doesn't become a deatheater in the next movie. it's the movie after that.


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Oh damn, I shouldn't have read this thread! I haven't seen the 4th film just yet, but I love the books. Though my poor broke-a*** is waiting for the most recent book to come out in paperback (cheaper).


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I definitely liked this one the best of the movies made thus far. I appreciated that they tried to make most of the movie very humorous to make up for how dark it actually was. However, I don't really know how I would have felt had I not read the book, because I found myself mentally filling in all the things they left out. Not that this says much, because I cry at a lot of movies, but I definitely cried at the end of this one!


Well-known member
I LOVED it. Even if they did miss out like chunks...Did anyone else notice Hermione's eyebrows like move up and down a lot when she spoke? It was quite distracting....

I hated the fact that everything went so quickly...I really wanted to see the Quidditch World Cup but they only showed 5 seconds of it..which was really annoying...

Oooo and when Cedric died in the Graveyard....I had TEARS in my eyes...it was so well acted.......

O and Voldemort? He cracked me up!!! I was in hysterics in my chair because honestly...I did not find him SCARY at all.....

I'm sad that Cedric (Robert Pattinson) isn't coming back (obviously..)......lol....

But overall I really liked it and would definately watch it again!!


Well-known member
I loved the movie! And I really do think that they did an amazing job with packing alot of plot into 2 1/2 hours.
Yes, I would have loved to have seen the Weaslys picking up Harry at the Dursley's (the Ton-Tongue Toffee incident), the Blast-Ended Skrewts, S.P.E.W., Veella, other trials, and all the other stuff. But if you think about it, if they had put nearly everything in, the movie would have been easily 4-5 hours! Heck I'd sit though that LOL
I deffinitely want to see it again.


Well-known member
I guess I'm the voice of dissent :-(

I thought is was okay. They left out a lot of the plot and it moved so fast there was no real character growth-I don't think people who did not read the book would understand what was going on between Hermione and Ron or just how difficult that reporter really made HP's life during that time (I did not feel as bad for Harry during the movie as I did while reading the book). Hermione cried too much over nothing...I don't recall her knowing how Neville's parents were killed...

Loved the Tri-Wizard teams--especially their introduction.

All in all it was meh. The ending was sad but expected if you already read the book...instead of leaving me anxious to see the next movie it made me pray that they do a better job.

My 2 cents


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caroni99
I guess I'm the voice of dissent :-(

I thought is was okay. They left out a lot of the plot and it moved so fast there was no real character growth-I don't think people who did not read the book would understand what was going on between Hermione and Ron or just how difficult that reporter really made HP's life during that time (I did not feel as bad for Harry during the movie as I did while reading the book). Hermione cried too much over nothing...I don't recall her knowing how Neville's parents were killed...

Loved the Tri-Wizard teams--especially their introduction.

All in all it was meh. The ending was sad but expected if you already read the book...instead of leaving me anxious to see the next movie it made me pray that they do a better job.

My 2 cents

I don't believe that she does know, but Neville's parents aren't dead, They are in St. Mungos because Beatrix LeStrange performed the Cruciatus curse on them until they went crazy.


Well-known member
This was my favorite out of the four. I guess it helps that I haven't read the books too. Usually i like books better..


Well-known member
i saw it last night and i liked it. it DID move a bit too fast and i also would have realllyyy loved to see the full quidditch game, but asi es la vida eh? i loved the entrance of the 2 schools.. that was fabulous! i hate that diggory died.. that scene when harry brings him back crying, and his father crying made me cry too =( .. i liked it..


Well-known member
I will say it is the best of the movies, as far as effects go and all that. The dragons were awesome, as was the scene in the graveyard. I also agree that they did a pretty good job of condensing the book, but a lot was left out that will be important later on ie the joke shop money and all that. I was also perplexed as to why Beauxbatons was all girls and Durmstrang all boys, I don't think that was in the book. It will be interesting to see how much they slice out of Order of the Phoenix, as that book is even longer then Goblet of Fire.
I thought the movie was done very well, but like every says, they cut out alot of stuff and also added stuff to the movie that was not true to the book, that is what I founf upsetting. But obviously they can't fit all of the book into a 2 1/2 hour movie. It is the largest of all the books. There were talk earlier on that they were going to make 2 parts to the movie, but decided against it. They should have and relesed it like the Matrix 2 & 3 were, they were released like 6 months apart within the same year. That would have been great and made them more money of course.
The kids are getting to be really good actors, but of course they are working with the best trained actors around. Good Lord was the guy that played Cedric not totally hot or what? I was drooling, and sitting next to my husband no less. hehe.
I though the 3 tasks were done amazingly! The dragon and the merpeople, were just awesome! I have read all the books so far and am just waiting for the 7th book...man i wonder how it will all end...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dreams
Did anyone else notice Hermione's eyebrows like move up and down a lot when she spoke? It was quite distracting

I saw it again last week or the other week? I can't remember.
Anyway, you are so right! It was very irritating!!
I didn't notice it so much the first time I watched.

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