Has anyone else spotted these?


Well-known member
princesswholesale88 is known for selling CRAP FAKES.

There's a post (highlight the post to read the response) here about this criminal!


Well-known member
An eyeliner basically is only a pencil excuse the term, So the trash makers only have to copy the print and logos on the outside they dont care what they make the item with ,not that they make avery good job of it as someone here soon spots them



Well-known member
Has anyone had a look at this sellers pigments? Now the barcode and the base of the jar give it away, but if these items were both pictured upright it would be VERY hard to tell if they were real or fake - the front of the boxes are damn near perfect!! It also seems the colour spectrum for hard to pick fakes is also increasing, I see copper sparkle and violet in there now as well


Well-known member
My god that pink one looks like a good fake compared to what i was expecting! It could be fake Rose or something similar?
Its a good job the boxes are so bad, and they dont know the names.


Well-known member
If you look at the box on the rose one:
- The '/' are different to real pig boxes (they run into the letter on one of the sides of them, on authentic ones they are spaced evenly). Another sign is if one of them slants different to the other.
- The barcode on the bottom should be a sticker, not printed on the box.
- The 'e' is different to authentic pigs (see the pigment tutorial thread for info: http://www.specktra.net/showthread.php?t=69309).

Usually the jars on fakes (if they arent the ones that are done well) have a very thick base. They may also have very dull/cheap talcy looking product inside, and stickers on the base wth a batchcode (A14) instead of a colour name (violet/treu chartreuse) AND a batchcode.

Its tricky (at least for me) with the better ones - they can mimic authentic pigs down to the leaflet inside...