has anyone read HAUNTED?


Well-known member
Has anyone read haunted by Chuck Palahniuk? (he wrote fight club) Well..I just got done reading it, and I thought it was very creative. I was impressed b/c it was so original. I feel like everyother book (or movie for that matter) I read has already been done in some form or another. parts of the book were really gross, and sometimes I found myself struggling to get through it. The worst was the masturbation story (for those who have read, you know what I'm saying). I acatually heard that during a reading a lady passed out during that part. All in all I did like the book, i found it thought provoking and original.
Something else while we are on the subject.. did anyone like fight club? I really like that movie and am surprised that most people don't like it at all... let me know! Oh and if you don't like it, why? Well hope all you gorgeous (sp?) people are having a fabulous new year so far <3


Well-known member
haha. the pool story was actually the first I read(from his website as a promo before the book came out).
I have all of his books, and they are all equally awesome.
He and Neil Gaiman always get an auto-buy from me when they release ANYTHING.


Well-known member
I loved fight club the movie. so original with a twist at the end, nice. I will have to check out this book then.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by andrialyn
i haven't read anything else by him..what would yo say is your absolute fav?

Choke is my fave, but I'm betting anyone who posts here would also love Invisible Monsters. All of his books are highly recommended from me.