Has Bare Necessity Dazzleglass been copied???


Active member
Well I bought some things off ebay before I found this marvelous site and now I am intrigued. After reading through all the discussions on counterfeit products I have noticed some of the signs on a Dazzleglass that I bought. EG: The barcode is NOT a sticker... the name of the dazzleglass has been printed on the box and is NOT a sticker.. does this mean it is a fake?? Are there any other ways to tell or are these surefire signs???

Thanks for ur help in snuffing out eBay fakers!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglepot
Well I bought some things off ebay before I found this marvelous site and now I am intrigued. After reading through all the discussions on counterfeit products I have noticed some of the signs on a Dazzleglass that I bought. EG: The barcode is NOT a sticker... the name of the dazzleglass has been printed on the box and is NOT a sticker.. does this mean it is a fake?? Are there any other ways to tell or are these surefire signs???

Thanks for ur help in snuffing out eBay fakers!


Hi Rach
This has been discussed here before - I'll see if I can find the thread.

In this case printed names on boxes is fine instead of the usual sticker. Just an anomoly with Dazzleglass.

Think you should be ok


Active member
Thanks so much Julie
its the first dazzle ive ever bought so I have nothing to compare it to. Its bigger in size than the lustre is that correct?

EDITED- I added stuff that was on a UD box lol.... the other stuff is still relevant to the MAC product i was talking aboiut


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglepot
Thanks so much Julie
its the first dazzle ive ever bought so I have nothing to compare it to. Its bigger in size than the lustre is that correct?

Originally Posted by gigglepot

EDITED- I added stuff that was on a UD box lol.... the other stuff is still relevant to the MAC product i was talking aboiut

No problem

Yes the dazzleglass is much longer


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglepot
Any ideas on the barcode being printed and not a sticker?

The ones on mine are printed
Think MAC try to keep us all on our toes lol