Has god abandon me?


Well-known member
Ive been having problems for a while with everything.I had to quit school to get a job when my mother left me and my sister homeless.I live with my aunt at the moment.Shes already giving me a hard time.no matter how much I pray to god and tell him to help me out and give me strength.I feel that my problems keep getting worst.I cry myself to bed.I know I shoulnt feel like that.I hope everything gets better for me in 2007.


Well-known member
:hugs:. I am so sorry about your current situation. I know things may suck now, but Don't think god has given up on you! I think that you get put thru certain situations in life, just things you have to go thru (because heaven forbid that life would give you a smooth worry free road for a while right!?) I think things will get better. Hopefully your mom will come around and realize what shes done. Just remember to surround yourself with people who love you and you can get thru anything.


Well-known member
I'm sorry things suck. I can't tell if you've been abandoned by god, since I don't believe in that kind of stuff. I find that sometimes life sucks, and you get through the bad times somehow, and it gets better. Sometimes it's gonna be bad, sometimes good. It's largely out of our control, since we don't have a lot of power over what the people around us do, or what kind of events occur. Control what you can, and try to deal with what you can't. That's all I can tell you. It's okay if you can't control what's happening right now. Just ride it out, because it won't last forever.

I doubt anything I said was helpful, but I thought I'd give it a try.

And I know it sounds cheesy, but when things get bad, try to notice the good things that we tend to take for granted. You can hear sounds, music. You can see beautiful colors. You can feel emotions. You can touch different textures. Just pay a lot of attention to your senses, and think about how cool it is to have them. Took millions of years of evolution for us to experience the world the way we do. That's pretty amazing!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
How old is your sister? You may be able to get some kind of help if she's under 18.

I can't tell if God abandoned you, because I personally don't believe God interferes in our lives either way. However, a lot of people on this board will not leave you high and dry and will help you best that we can.


Well-known member
When we're young and things are largely out of our control it can feel pretty scary to go through such horrible hardships alone. Focus on working and providing for your sister. Placate your aunt to make staying in her home easier while you're there. Have faith in yourself and your future, that you're going to get through this struggle and after you do you will have learned many important life lessons that will make you a more successful individual.

I understand all this advice is hard to take, but you have to HAVE FAITH that things will turn around and that your hard work will someday pay off. Giving up is giving in to the road that your mother has carelessly put you on. Don't let you or your sister be a statistic. You're strong, you've got a good head on your shoulders. Keep your faith.


Well-known member
awww sweetie-God doesn't abandon anybody. Though sometimes it's harder to reach out to than others.

I can't imagine what you are going through and for me to give advice or anything would be worthless because I havn't been there. But what I can tell you is-you are having to grow up a lot faster than a lot of people. You have you to look out for and your little sister. That is one huge responsibility.

And you can do it. I know you can.

What is your aunt giving you a hard time about? Maybe help her out as much as you can around the house. Have your sister do the same thing. Help out in the yard etc. Maybe even give some of your money to your aunt as if paying rent.

Maybe your aunt has a bit of resentment because she may be afraid she's just giving a free hand out and she may not be able to afford two extra people. And she may also be very pissed off at her sister for doing that to YOU. And you are also upset that your mom did that to you.

If you can help out when you can etc that would probably help out a lot.

I mean this situation right now is so bad-but everything is temporary if you give enough time.

And you know-I come from a belief that everything in life is a teacher. A lot of lessons I've learned I hated-but at the same time they taught me SO many things. I mean you're coming out of this- you will be responsible, financially responsible, and you will know that you are a survivor. AND on top of that your relationship with your sister will be stronger than ever.

God can give you strength-but you also have to act on it. Wallowing in self despair is defeating everything that can make you a much stronger person. Chin up! Be strong for your sister and enjoy the wonderful things you can-like a pretty day, a bird, or the hot guy where you work!
You can make your own destany.

You can come out of this broken and helpless and letting people do stuff for you, or you can come out of this strong, brave, and being able to do what you can. And I believe you want to come out like the latter and I have 100% faith that you will


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
How old is your sister? You may be able to get some kind of help if she's under 18.

I can't tell if God abandoned you, because I personally don't believe God interferes in our lives either way. However, a lot of people on this board will not leave you high and dry and will help you best that we can.

my sister is only seventeen.she already works at a fast food place so she could afford her senior prom and everything else when you graduated.my mom needs to give my little sis child support money.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by youbeabitch
awww sweetie-God doesn't abandon anybody. Though sometimes it's harder to reach out to than others.

I can't imagine what you are going through and for me to give advice or anything would be worthless because I havn't been there. But what I can tell you is-you are having to grow up a lot faster than a lot of people. You have you to look out for and your little sister. That is one huge responsibility.

And you can do it. I know you can.

What is your aunt giving you a hard time about? Maybe help her out as much as you can around the house. Have your sister do the same thing. Help out in the yard etc. Maybe even give some of your money to your aunt as if paying rent.

Maybe your aunt has a bit of resentment because she may be afraid she's just giving a free hand out and she may not be able to afford two extra people. And she may also be very pissed off at her sister for doing that to YOU. And you are also upset that your mom did that to you.

If you can help out when you can etc that would probably help out a lot.

I mean this situation right now is so bad-but everything is temporary if you give enough time.

And you know-I come from a belief that everything in life is a teacher. A lot of lessons I've learned I hated-but at the same time they taught me SO many things. I mean you're coming out of this- you will be responsible, financially responsible, and you will know that you are a survivor. AND on top of that your relationship with your sister will be stronger than ever.

God can give you strength-but you also have to act on it. Wallowing in self despair is defeating everything that can make you a much stronger person. Chin up! Be strong for your sister and enjoy the wonderful things you can-like a pretty day, a bird, or the hot guy where you work!
You can make your own destany.

You can come out of this broken and helpless and letting people do stuff for you, or you can come out of this strong, brave, and being able to do what you can. And I believe you want to come out like the latter and I have 100% faith that you will

This is the thing I buy food in the house.I do give her money for rent.She offerred to move in so i did.She has been complaning about the high bills,but she has a couple with a little boy and two other teenager boys living their.I have noticed they dont pay rent or buy food they eat all of our food espeacially what i buy.and those boys dont go to school or work.They do all this shit that my aunt doesnt approve.I feel that she takes it out on me for what other people do.


Well-known member
It's only temporary.
Does your aunt in anyway think that because you are family she can loose her temper etc?
Just remember to save some money from each paycheck so that you can afford to move out in a few months

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I *think* you can get some kind of assistantship. I believe your sister, as a 17 year old, counts as a minor and your mother can't just abandon her, a minor, like that.

I don't know what your state laws are like, but I'd try to talk to some kind of advocacy person at children's services


Well-known member
Sweetie, God didn't abandon you. Sometimes we go through hard things to build character and appreciate what He gives us in the long run. I went through a similar situation where me and my mom fell on hard times and had to stay with relatives. The same thing happened where it seemed like they turned on us. But we came out victorious as I believe you will. I pray that things turn around for you swiftly and it'll be so fast, you'll look back on this day and remember where He brought you from. Please continue to let us know how you're doing.


Well-known member
God has NOT abandoned you, hun, trust me. You're his little girl and He will always be there for you. Make sure you keep praying, He knows what you need, but loves loves LOVES to hear from you. This experience you're going through right now is going to make you so very strong. Suffering tries and tests people, purifies
their faith, corrects their flaws, and refines their character. What you're going through is actually an expression of grace and love from God in disguise because once people have come out of hard times and accepted correction, they will shine with a tested and confirmed faith and a splendid character. Especially if God chooses you to do special work in the future or help someone in the same situation as you. You're going to learn so much from your hardships, and nine times out of ten, something amazing comes from your experience.

Some verses to check out:

"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts."
-Romans 5.3-5

"I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested."
-Zechariah 13.9

Here's a story to help you understand:

Hard times are like a refining fire: A wedding ring starts out as yucky looking, mess of minerals, basically unpure-gold is: alloy, silver, lead, copper, iron, bismuth, traces of platinum and palladium, and frequently a small percentage of iridium. The gold needs to go through a process of treating and cleaning called refining in order to be pure, beautiful and strong, and be the best it can be. First, the main minerals need to be sorted out by means of sulphuric acid, then wind-furnace and stone-coal fire. A special oxidizing chemical is added, and then everything is heated to a bright red molten lava and stirred. After it's poured into a bar mold and cooled, the mixture is hammered smooth and chipped and sanded. Sometimes there is still lead in the gold, and they have to remelt it and begin the process over again to get it right. Once the gold is perfect, the ring maker designs the perfect look for it, creates it, adds in beautiful precious stones and diamonds, polishes it and it's ready. Perfect, and for the buying.

The same goes with all of us. We're not perfect, but through trusting God, we can learn to be more like Him. Don't give up, stay strong. Your sister needs you. Pray, and endure the fire.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NikkiHorror
God has NOT abandoned you, hun, trust me. You're his little girl and He will always be there for you. Make sure you keep praying, He knows what you need, but loves loves LOVES to hear from you. This experience you're going through right now is going to make you so very strong. Suffering tries and tests people, purifies
their faith, corrects their flaws, and refines their character. What you're going through is actually an expression of grace and love from God in disguise because once people have come out of hard times and accepted correction, they will shine with a tested and confirmed faith and a splendid character. Especially if God chooses you to do special work in the future or help someone in the same situation as you. You're going to learn so much from your hardships, and nine times out of ten, something amazing comes from your experience.

Some verses to check out:

"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us, because God's love has been poured into our hearts."
-Romans 5.3-5

"I will put this third into the fire, and refine them as one refines silver, and test them as gold is tested."
-Zechariah 13.9

Here's a story to help you understand:

Hard times are like a refining fire: A wedding ring starts out as yucky looking, mess of minerals, basically unpure-gold is: alloy, silver, lead, copper, iron, bismuth, traces of platinum and palladium, and frequently a small percentage of iridium. The gold needs to go through a process of treating and cleaning called refining in order to be pure, beautiful and strong, and be the best it can be. First, the main minerals need to be sorted out by means of sulphuric acid, then wind-furnace and stone-coal fire. A special oxidizing chemical is added, and then everything is heated to a bright red molten lava and stirred. After it's poured into a bar mold and cooled, the mixture is hammered smooth and chipped and sanded. Sometimes there is still lead in the gold, and they have to remelt it and begin the process over again to get it right. Once the gold is perfect, the ring maker designs the perfect look for it, creates it, adds in beautiful precious stones and diamonds, polishes it and it's ready. Perfect, and for the buying.

The same goes with all of us. We're not perfect, but through trusting God, we can learn to be more like Him. Don't give up, stay strong. Your sister needs you. Pray, and endure the fire.

Thank you for your advice and words that do make me feel better.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Sweetie, God didn't abandon you. Sometimes we go through hard things to build character and appreciate what He gives us in the long run. I went through a similar situation where me and my mom fell on hard times and had to stay with relatives. The same thing happened where it seemed like they turned on us. But we came out victorious as I believe you will. I pray that things turn around for you swiftly and it'll be so fast, you'll look back on this day and remember where He brought you from. Please continue to let us know how you're doing.

Thank you for your advice and words.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Sweetie, God didn't abandon you. Sometimes we go through hard things to build character and appreciate what He gives us in the long run. I went through a similar situation where me and my mom fell on hard times and had to stay with relatives. The same thing happened where it seemed like they turned on us. But we came out victorious as I believe you will. I pray that things turn around for you swiftly and it'll be so fast, you'll look back on this day and remember where He brought you from. Please continue to let us know how you're doing.

I totally agree..I am not the most religious person, but I have faith that you are not given any challenge that you cannot handle...hugs to you and your sister.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by macface
Ive been having problems for a while with everything.I had to quit school to get a job when my mother left me and my sister homeless.I live with my aunt at the moment.Shes already giving me a hard time.no matter how much I pray to god and tell him to help me out and give me strength.I feel that my problems keep getting worst.I cry myself to bed.I know I shoulnt feel like that.I hope everything gets better for me in 2007.

God hasn't forgotten about you babygirl, try to keep the faith. I know it's hard but keep the faith and don't give up on yourself no matter what. I know you problably have financial pressure right now but try to find some way to go back to school, education is the key to a successful future......believe in yourself. God bless you your sister and your aunt.
Darling, I personally don't believe in God.
But I'm sure as heck he didn't abandon you.

Remember; "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."