Has Henri Bendel charged your card?!


Well-known member
Feel free to move this if it isn't in the right section!

Has anyone else here that ordered the Henri Bendel exclusive had their credit card charged yet? They charged it like a couple days after I ordered it, and then it disappeared of my bank statement! I ordered like 3 or 4 weeks ago!

Anyone else not have their card charged yet?



Well-known member
You might want to call the store and make sure your order didn't get dropped. Quite a few people had their order lost in the shuffle, I don't think Bendels was prepared for or capable of handling the mail order demand for the Bendel exclusive items.


Well-known member
my card JUST got charged a few days ago for the two Bendel Girl lipglasses i purchased in the store on 9-11-07..i was like WTH?!?!?! went all the way back in my online purchase history and saw that i was never charged back in september. crazy


Well-known member
When you are charged for something you're bank holds those funds until a signed reciept or something is sent into the bank from the merchant to confirm that charge is legit. The time the funds are held can vary from bank to bank, an average of three days. If nothing is sent in by the merchant the bank releases those funds and removes the charge as if it never happened. But if the merchant sends in a signed reciept after those three days or whenever within a year ..you will be charged. It will show up on you're statement.

That's why it is better to use debit if you are using a debit card instead of credit because credit purchases take longer to complete. (learned this the hard way :


Well-known member
SAme here, I recieved my order but just saw the charge went thru yesterday they took forever to charge my card.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
I was surprised too; I was not charged until 10/6/2007 & I purchased it in store.