Haunted house or a trailer from Hell?


Well-known member
You just took a promotion in a new city. All the houses and apartments are way out of your range. You literally can't find anything in your price range, but a sewer smelling rusty one bedroom trailer 95 miles away from your job. The neighbors have pigs, chickens, and roosters that are all over the place. The toilet in the trailer leans, the water heater is totally rusted out, and there is no paved way for you to park your brand new car. The shower is homemade, so you have to turn side ways to just get in the darn thing. The ceilings are chocolate brown from the previous owner smoke habits. There are unidentifiable rings in the sink and the bathtub. You can't believe this is called a place to live, but it's a steal.

Your other option is this gorgeous two story home with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. This historic house has a wonderful view of the ocean from all the bedrooms. It's only seven miles from work. You notice the real estate lady refused to go inside. You notice that there are three bullet marks in pantry door in the kitchen and you swear you saw antique child's ball roll across the floor in one the bedrooms. You shrug it off. You think it's from the fumes from the trailer. You continue your tour, you take in the smell of the ocean and the breathing taking view from one of the bedroom windows. All of a sudden the window slams shut and you see ghostly image of man in what appears to be an old uniform in the glass of the antique window as though he were standing behind you. You immediately turn around and see no one is there.

You immediately get out of the house and question the neighbors about the house, because it's such a steal. You find out that there was a murder and a suicide in this house. Also, the neighbors claim that this house is so haunted that it runs off all it's tenets literally to their deaths. No one has lived to tell what happens in the house. They state they literally hear screams and strange noises from the house. They wish the State would tear it town. They plead with you to not buy the house.

You don't have much choice. You realize you must choose between that smelly rusty trailer from the pits of Hell or this beautiful historic house. Which place are you going to chose?


Well-known member
Nice way to kick off October.
It depends on just how bad the house vibes are... 95 miles to a funky trailer? Those spirits and I would probably have to try and work something out, please. And if that just WILL not work, I would rather sleep in my car and grab a couple of side jobs to help me afford something decent. Heck, if I've got a brand new car maybe I'll do a trade in for something cheaper and use the money to help me out with the rent!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by komischkatze
Nice way to kick off October.
It depends on just how bad the house vibes are... 95 miles to a funky trailer? Those spirits and I would probably have to try and work something out, please.


Yes, I am getting in the Halloween mood. My pet persian, Bull, is always the perfect Halloweeny kitty. (My avatar).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

Yes, I am getting in the Halloween mood. My pet persian, Bull, is always the perfect Halloweeny kitty. (My avatar).

Cute. I've got a completely orange tabby (even her eyes are bright orange - not yellow or gold) named Pumpkin. They would make a very festive picture together!


Well-known member
If I had to choose between these two..the dirty trailer. I can't do the ghost/haunted thing. I just can't...stuff like that freaks me the hell out. As bad as living in a dirty house would be, I would go with that and try to save my money for a better place.

the whole sleeping in the car thing is the best option though. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves

Yes, I am getting in the Halloween mood. My pet persian, Bull, is always the perfect Halloweeny kitty. (My avatar).

Aww that cat is adorable. I thought you just took the picture from somewhere.

I'm getting into the Halloween spirit myself this year (kinda). I haven't really enjoyed the holiday in years.


Well-known member
We have no clue how old Bull is. I got him from the SPCA about seven years ago. He has a pooch that hangs almost to the floor. You only see it when I shave him. He has no teeth. He is a very old cat. He is at least 12 according to the vet. He is a very happy boy. He grooms the other gold tabby Persian and my deaf cat. My grey cat stays to herself. There is a lot of pet drama here. I have 8 pets. 4 cats and 4 dogs. That's too many.


Well-known member
There is no way I'd drive 95 miles to some funky old trailer next to a house that had pigs and chickens. I am just not country enough for that.

I'd take the freaky old house. Maybe I'd grab a Quija board and give the ghosts some therapy. If that doesn't work, I'll watch The Amityville Horror and learn the finer points of excising a house. :p


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dizzy
There is no way I'd drive 95 miles to some funky old trailer next to a house that had pigs and chickens. I am just not country enough for that.

I'd take the freaky old house. Maybe I'd grab a Quija board and give the ghosts some therapy. If that doesn't work, I'll watch The Amityville Horror and learn the finer points of excising a house. :p

i Know you were just joking around but a Quiji board is a awful thing to mess with, It opens a door into your home for everything evil to enter.

(yeah I sound like a crazy hippy, I used to part of a large paranormal investigators group and did a lot of studying as well , I brought shit home with me.. not fun)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
i Know you were just joking around but a Quiji board is a awful thing to mess with, It opens a door into your home for everything evil to enter.

(yeah I sound like a crazy hippy, I used to part of a large paranormal investigators group and did a lot of studying as well , I brought shit home with me.. not fun)

if I start up a scary story topic...will you post some stories for us?


Well-known member
but thats part of the fun!

& i agree, 95 miles away?! thats crazy! you could just build a small shed on the property of the haunted house, then maybe it wouldnt get haunted lol

oh & MAC ATTACK, i would love to hear some stories! Your paranormal studies sound fascinating!


Well-known member
dirty trailor

edit- is this like some kind of psychological question? like if you pick the trailor then your "blank" or something like that? haha.


Well-known member
No, this isn't a psych question. It's into the groove of Halloween.

I can't decide, which is the lesser of the two evils. Also, some of this is based on some personal experience. Yikes. I will have some more Halloween posts coming.


Well-known member
ack. that's a tough one.

i would have real issues with the dirty old trailer, if only for the poor bathroom facilities. i like having a decent shower space and a bath available to me.

but then i've had weird things happen to me at a haunted site and living in a haunted house with unfriendly ghosts would FREAK me out. (i've lived in a haunted house with a happy, nice ghost and that was fine. a bit weird sometimes, but fine)

i would probably get a psychic in to kick the ghosts ou... i mean, help them move on to the spirit world. then consider living there.