Have You Ever Been "The Other Woman/Man?"


Well-known member
pardon if there's already a thread like this, i searched but nothing really came up.

So I was watching Cheaters this morning, and I got to thinking about the thought process of finding out you're the other lover. Sometimes you know that you're a part of adultery and you don't care, sometimes you're completely in the dark.

What about you? Share your stories if you have them.


Well-known member
I only have one little story to tell.

I met a boy online. And I wasn't interested in him at all, but we became friends and we'd hang our from time to time. Anyways the first time we hung out, he picked me up and took me to his friends house. Then 2 more friends showed up. So it was me, and 4 guys (sounds really bad but we were all just havin fun, hangin out).

One of the guys that we hung out with that night had a girlfriend, and she was supposed to be hangin out with us too, but she didn't. So that night, and for awhile after that, every time we'd get together me and this guy would flirt a lot. Like we'd just give eachother eyes from across the room and just flirt a whole lot. And one night I just grabbed him and we started making out. And we were having fun, making out and we did it a few more times after that.

Then one night I was at work and got a phone call from some girl. And it was his girlfriend's friend. And she was asking me questions about me and the boy, and if I knew that he had a girlfriend etc. Neither one of them seemed mad though, they were just curious and wanted to talk to me. So then I told the guy what happened, and he ended up telling me that his girlfriend wasn't mad and actually wanted to have a threesome with me, her and him.

LoL so it was pretty funny. Me and the guy stopped talking after that, and that was that. I didn't really have any feelings towards it. I was single and didn't really care about anything lol, I did what I wanted to do.


Well-known member
I was the other woman and I knew about it the whole time. I will never do it again. I will be lucky if this doesn't come back around on me.

And to all you 'other women' out there...he will NEVER leave her so stop believing him.


Well-known member
I have been in a way....I dated a guy for 2 years, then we broke up. We were both single for a while & still basically dating. Then he got a girlfriend..who he never really saw. Things started up again for us while he was with her. I didn't feel bad at all because I still loved him, and felt that she had taken him away from me anyway (which I know wasn't true). I was single, so didn't care about her or her feelings. Some people brag about being the other one, and it makes them feel great. The thing is..it's never a compliment, or something to be proud of to be someone's second. If they don't care enough about you for them to make you the "only one," it's not worth it. I've learned, and I've moved on


Active member
I have been the other woman.. Being that other woman taught me a lot about some guys and how they will NEVER change. If a guy can call up his girlfriend on his phone while he's with me and tell her he loves her, he is a total scumbag. 2 years I went along with that.. And to this day he wishes he could still be with me, threatened my life when I told him it was over, and stalked me for 3 months after telling my current boyfriend that I was his and that no other guy could have me. He is crazy. XD

I got in 3 fights over this guy. One of his ex-girlfriends is one of my best friends (LOONG story), the other 2 will hate me forever. I don't mind though, they weren't very nice to begin with.

But yeah being the other woman sucks. In my mind I knew he would never leave those girls for me, but in my heart I still hoped and wished that someday he would.

And karma's a BITCH. My next boyfriend (not my current one) cheated on me with his ex-girlfriend.


Well-known member
My friend has been the other woman. They we're together for four years, and despite his promises that he was going to divorce his wife, he never did. In the end, my friend discovered he was cheating on her as well. So really, he had plenty of other women, and she had no clue.


Well-known member

I have been the other woman with an ex who couldn't bother to tell me he had a girlfriend (which made me wonder if he'd had others while we were dating), and I have had boyfriends that have other women. Both feel pretty crappy and most of these guys don't change.


Well-known member
I could NEVER be the other woman. Though I felt like I was once..but I probably wasn't cause me and this guy weren't officially dating. Ugh, relationships suck..glad I'm single (not really lol).


Well-known member
In every relationship I have been in, I have ALWAYS been the other woman, not knowlingly of course. My first relationship, we were on and off for about 4 years, and I was the other woman, he was with her for 2 years. Another relationship, the girl actually found out about me and contacted me, I heard they are married now. And yet another relationship, I found out he was married with a kid. I don't know why it happens to me, but it does. I haven't dated since then because I don't want to put myself as well as another woman through this. My friend says that I have this tempting seductive look that most guys just want for a little bit. Whatever the case may be, I am considering to be single my whole life.


Well-known member
I dated a guy once and it was a nightmare. He was very abusive. I found out he was dating a girl, because I found her picture and her love notes to him. I felt like I was going to die. He was my first boyfriend. (My husband & I were just friends at the time). Around the same time he was dating this girl, there was a very young girl that he was also very abusive towards. I had no clue he had been with her by his behavior. He cursed her out, pushed her down, spit at her and told her he hated her ugly fat ***. I can't even mention the other names he called her, but that one was the actually one of tamer ones. I took up for her and tried to protect her from him hitting her too. I didn't know why he hated her so bad. I had never seen anyone so abusive.

I found out 4 years later that girl was pregnant by him at that time. I had already dumped him from finding out about the girlfriend that he was dating. What an awful person! I actually felt sorry for this young girl. I think he used her sexually and then dumped her. She was only 14 and left her home to live with his friend. Her life has been Hell last I heard. She has been trying to raise his child that he refuses to accept as his.


Well-known member
Yes, I have been cheated with ,and cheated on. I was unaware of either until after I broke up with this guy.

I remember I went on a trip with several schools and met my first boyfriend, and we kind of started dating on this trip , and several girls came up to me and said
" you know he has a girlfriend back home right?" .. I asked him about it , he said he broke up with her right before the trip so he could be with me.. I believed him . I was very naive!! but It was a silly first relationship that taught me a lot. live and learn I guess.

I also had a guy tell me he was in love with me , when he had a girlfriend. I found out about her later. HAHA. .. She had the same name as me.. Clever one. scumbag

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I was the other woman unbeknownst to me. When I found out... i ended things immediately. Plain and simple. There's no trust at that point on either end.


Well-known member
In a way? He was dating both of us at the same time. I broke up with him as soon as I found out. He told me that she's a stupid kid and he doesn't like her. I guess he was right cause she took him back. I think they're still together.


Well-known member
I've never been one that I know of. If I were, and I found out about it, I'd end it immediately. That is betrayal, and I won't be a party to it.


Well-known member
That hit SO close to home. Like same exact shit. And you're 1030393% correct about it.

Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
I was the other woman and I knew about it the whole time. I will never do it again. I will be lucky if this doesn't come back around on me.

And to all you 'other women' out there...he will NEVER leave her so stop believing him.



Well-known member
I have knowingly been 'the other woman' a few times and I have also been cheated on and I have also cheated. I'm sure that most of you will think badly of me but I learned from it and having been on all sides, I grew up a lot from it. I guess that's the long and short of it.

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