Have you ever feel offended by...


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Originally Posted by blazeno.8
Anyways... back on topic, I hate listening to the n* word. Period. I don't care who's saying it, I just don't like it.

I feel the same way about this. I'm Caucasian but I grew up around and am friends with mostly African American women and men. I think that word has such anger and hatred in it that I refuse to say it in any way, shape or form. If it's in a song I'm singing, I just skip right over the word even if the intention isn't the same. I don't care how it's spelled or the intent, I just think it's the ugliest word and no one IMO has a reason to say it. My very best friend who is a black woman, thinks it's funny to try to get me to say it. I understand that some blacks think it's ok for them to say it and that's their prerogative, but I have no desire to even acknowledge its existence. I hear random caucasion or people who aren't black using it thinking that it's ok because of how it's said or the intent. I just don't agree. I don't care... it's a horrible word with a horrible history behind it. I want no parts of that.


Well-known member
Not an issue of race, but religion specifically...I'm an atheist, and I'm pretty mellow about it. I don't advertise it, but I also am not embarrassed to say so. It irks me when people assume that automatically, everyone believes in a God, and those that don't are probably devil-worshipping heathens. It's so obnoxious...if I don't criticize anyone for their spiritual beliefs, I fail to see why I should be criticized for a lack thereof. Not being religious doesn't mean morally bankrupt in any way.

Also just an other odd thing that irritates me...I'm American. I was born here, my parents were born here, my grandparents were born here, etc. A looong time ago my family was Norwegian (and a French person sprinkled in there somewhere, lol)....I HATE when people ask why I don't say that I'm Norwegian American...um, sorry, I've never been there and neither has anyone I've ever met in my family. I'm proud of my heritage, but all I retain of it is fair coloring, light eyes, and a tendency to prefer the cold. Just plain old American is fine with me, I don't see why we have to split hairs.


Well-known member
Man, I try not to get offended at most things b/c I feel that most people are just ignorant when they say certain stuff. So, I'll let them know that what they said can/is/would be offensive and why...

But sometimes, I get freaking tired of doing that...especially when it seems I'm the only person who would be offended. Like a couple of weeks ago, I was eating lunch w/ my coworkers and for the point of this story, I'll have to mention I am the only black person that works in my office. Anywho, we started talking about Kool-aid for some reason or another. I mentioned that I went to a restaurant outside of chi-town that actually had Kool-aid on the menu (and it was RED, my fav flavor, lol... ps. RED =cherry flavor). And I said I got it.

Then my coworker says.. "yep, and you got some friend chicken and watermelon with it didn't ya?" and proceeds to laugh his head off. Then everyone at the table turns and looks at me like "Are you going to say something?" And at this point, I am looking at him, with my mouth open like... ummm....everyone at this table knows that shit is offensive, so why don't you?

Since I was at work, I wanted to gather myself before I just went off on that guy. But, the girl next to me started in on him w/o any remorse, and he really tried to turn to me for help.. his excuse? "What? Dave Chapelle said it!"

SMH. I just added on to the other girls tirade that YES, what you just said is EXTREMELY offensive to me... but in his defense he actually was raised in a barn.


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Originally Posted by couturesista
SMDH at all the foolishness that is assumptions

Amen to that. When you assume you make an ass out of u and me.

Just because someone has lighter skin doesn't mean they're an affluent suburbian. Just because someone has darker skin doesn't mean they're poor. Somehow I see that assumption a lot, and it always pisses me off. One of my best friends is from Guyana, but people assume that because she's got dark skin, she cannot be from a successful, educated family. Uhm, what!?


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it's crazy how insensitive people can be! i am glad there's a place like this where we can discuss this kind of stuff.


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I don't like when I speak spanish (which i am not fluent but took 6 years of it) and they say, "aww your spanish is so white"


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I'm Chinese and I hate when I get the whole.." Do you guys really eat cats and dogs?" thing. Umm just wtf?! I always give them a weird look and a rude NO response back. I won't even touch veal what makes ya think I'll go for man's best friend or the housecat?

My family had a restaurant years back. I would help answer phone calls and orders. I had a lady on the phone who was making an order (a legit one, it wasn't a prank or anything. She actually came and picked up the food and paid for it) and out of nowhere she mentions that her cat along with other cats in the neighborhood have gone missing and if my family's restaurant had anything to do with it. She said it so nonchalantly too. Another time I had a guy on the phone who again was seriously making a legit food order, ask me this, "Hmmm...whats good on the menu? Rat?". HAHA dude very funny, why don't you try some stand up comedy next time? NOT!

I've been getting this alot lately. But I've been to a few different places shopping and just looking around and the people who work there just for some reason assume I JUST came to the U.S. I've been living here for 17 years and I don't have an asian accent when I talk in English. I'll be talking to them and they'll just be like , "Welcome to this country." and blah blah blah...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
I'm Chinese and I hate when I get the whole.." Do you guys really eat cats and dogs?" thing. Umm just wtf?! I always give them a weird look and a rude NO response back. I won't even touch veal what makes ya think I'll go for man's best friend or the housecat?

My family had a restaurant years back. I would help answer phone calls and orders. I had a lady on the phone who was making an order (a legit one, it wasn't a prank or anything. She actually came and picked up the food and paid for it) and out of nowhere she mentions that her cat along with other cats in the neighborhood have gone missing and if my family's restaurant had anything to do with it. She said it so nonchalantly too. Another time I had a guy on the phone who again was seriously making a legit food order, ask me this, "Hmmm...whats good on the menu? Rat?". HAHA dude very funny, why don't you try some stand up comedy next time? NOT!

I've been getting this alot lately. But I've been to a few different places shopping and just looking around and the people who work there just for some reason assume I JUST came to the U.S. I've been living here for 17 years and I don't have an asian accent when I talk in English. I'll be talking to them and they'll just be like , "Welcome to this country." and blah blah blah...

I've mentioned to some people that I love going to TJ or any part of Mexico to eat tacos and they always say "ew do you know that's a dog?" so I just reply "Really? well damn that is one DELICIOUS dog!!" lol

Lately I've gotten remarks by people of my own race! When I am doing a makeup appt and they ask me what my ethnicity is and I say Mexican, some have told me" Really? Because I thought you were mixed or something or maybe just white washed, you don't sound mexican" Um well Im sorry, but at my job I have to be professional even w/ morons like you, and I am not gonna bust out the chola talk! "ey heina that liner looks tight on you eeyy" um yeah I think NOT!

Its so weird.

I don't let it bother me much though. But its a bit irking.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
I've mentioned to some people that I love going to TJ or any part of Mexico to eat tacos and they always say "ew do you know that's a dog?" so I just reply "Really? well damn that is one DELICIOUS dog!!" lol

Lately I've gotten remarks by people of my own race! When I am doing a makeup appt and they ask me what my ethnicity is and I say Mexican, some have told me" Really? Because I thought you were mixed or something or maybe just white washed, you don't sound mexican" Um well Im sorry, but at my job I have to be professional even w/ morons like you, and I am not gonna bust out the chola talk! "ey heina that liner looks tight on you eeyy" um yeah I think NOT!

Its so weird.

I don't let it bother me much though. But its a bit irking.

ROFL. I will have to admit that it is quite funny how ignorant some people can be lol! Like I'm really going to go through all the trouble of finding dogs and cats and eating them?! lol.

Oh I get stuff from people of my own race too! Even my mom. She'll comment jokingly that I'm a "mutt" and that I have to be mixed with something else other than Chinese. Especially whenever I went tanning a few years ago and got noticeably darker, she said that I was no longer Chinese lol....yes just cause I went tanning. I get a lot of crap from Chinese people on the rare occasion that I see and actually talk to others besides my family (I don't live in a heavily asian populated area). They think I'm too "white" and that I'm not asian enough and also because I'm darker (well thats according to them, I'm only an NC35 more like medium skintone at best!). In my culture and most asian cultures, it's more attractive to them to be paler. Like the paler the better. So I guess according to them I'm just wayyy too dark lol.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
meh, I commented on this before, but lately I've been offended by movies, comments,...so many times that my skin has gotten very think. Now, it doesn't really bother me. As long as it's not someone I know making offensive comments, I don't really care.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
ROFL. I will have to admit that it is quite funny how ignorant some people can be lol! Like I'm really going to go through all the trouble of finding dogs and cats and eating them?! lol.

Oh I get stuff from people of my own race too! Even my mom. She'll comment jokingly that I'm a "mutt" and that I have to be mixed with something else other than Chinese. Especially whenever I went tanning a few years ago and got noticeably darker, she said that I was no longer Chinese lol....yes just cause I went tanning. I get a lot of crap from Chinese people on the rare occasion that I see and actually talk to others besides my family (I don't live in a heavily asian populated area). They think I'm too "white" and that I'm not asian enough and also because I'm darker (well thats according to them, I'm only an NC35 more like medium skintone at best!). In my culture and most asian cultures, it's more attractive to them to be paler. Like the paler the better. So I guess according to them I'm just wayyy too dark lol.

Yeah! I've noticed that its very coveted in the Asian community to be fair skinned. I'll get customers who are clearly NC35 but they insist and I mean INSIST on NC20 25 the darkest for them. I once had a customer who was visiting from asia and she was a perfect NC42 and she said no, that shes not that dark. That she always gets NC30.

I asked one of my regulars who also insist on light powders why this was so, and she said that in Asia if you are dark it means you work outside alot, so basically your poor. And if you're light skinned it means office job, or just well off that you don't work. That they like western features such as double lid and lighter skin.

I dunno, I've noticed it a few times, with other ethnicities too. But the one that sticks out in my mind are my Asian customers.

Im actually an NC30-35 but I wear my NC40 like its no ones business! lol I like the tanner, ethnic look but yeah. We're never happy w/ who we are! lol


Well-known member
I've never been offended personally, although generally people in Australia don't know enough about Scandinavia to have a stereotype about it anyway since there isn't a large community of expats.

I laugh when people try to perpetuate this certain image of what it means to be Australian when travelling, though. It's usually incredibly bastardized and they're usually from the cities!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
meh, I commented on this before, but lately I've been offended by movies, comments,...so many times that my skin has gotten very think. Now, it doesn't really bother me. As long as it's not someone I know making offensive comments, I don't really care.

I'm glad that your skin has gotten thicker when it comes to this type of a thing. I don't think mine has very much. It still very much offend and upsets me. I use to have some "friends" who make such comments too and not even have it directed at me either. Like we'll be at the mall food court and I usually get asian food, and asked her if she would some too? She was hesitant and was like, "I heard they use like cats at that food place." I was just like uh huh okay then .....

The whole thing just doesn't bring up good memories for me growing up in an area with very little asian people. The area was predominantly White and African American. So I had a hard time fitting in period.

Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
Yeah! I've noticed that its very coveted in the Asian community to be fair skinned. I'll get customers who are clearly NC35 but they insist and I mean INSIST on NC20 25 the darkest for them. I once had a customer who was visiting from asia and she was a perfect NC42 and she said no, that shes not that dark. That she always gets NC30.

I asked one of my regulars who also insist on light powders why this was so, and she said that in Asia if you are dark it means you work outside alot, so basically your poor. And if you're light skinned it means office job, or just well off that you don't work. That they like western features such as double lid and lighter skin.

I dunno, I've noticed it a few times, with other ethnicities too. But the one that sticks out in my mind are my Asian customers.

Im actually an NC30-35 but I wear my NC40 like its no ones business! lol I like the tanner, ethnic look but yeah. We're never happy w/ who we are! lol

Yeah the asian culture has been doing this thing for a long time now. Yep for the exact same reason the Western culture use to do it. It was a sign of status. Like if I'm pale it means I don't have to be outside breaking my back doing work. I could stay at home and do nothing which meant less sun exposure. The Western culture has gotten over that and now tanning is the big thing!

Personally, I freak out completely if my foundation is too light! I look like casper with a yellowish medium toned neck and body lol. If I had to choose, I'd rather go with a darker foundation on my face than a pale one. This maybe unrelevant to this topic but I've recently seen the Lightful foundation powder on the MAC site. It was an asian exclusive product made specifically for asian woman for their skin tone and type and enviroment. I've been wanting to try it but I'm curious as to how the shades will run. Because of how popular it is to be paler over there.

At this point I don't care too much what my skintone. But I do like a bit of extra color and glow in the spring and summer time and I'll use a gradual tanner.


Well-known member
It takes great things to offend me, I don't care if someone says my eyes are chinky, or that I'm too Asian (in regards to academics), hell, even I call myself "too asian."

I can listen to dead baby jokes, jokes about mentally retarded people, and I'll laugh or frown depending if the joke is funny. I even play stereotypes to my advantage! Some say I have no class, but I just dust it off because I have a sense of humour.

I agree with a quote stated earlier here: "If you have to explain satire, then you might as well give up." People who BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWed at Borat just made me face palm...hard.

I'd also like to add that I'm of mixed descent and typically welcome the term mutt. But then again, I'm a huge fantasy nerd. I like the term mutt to things like Half Demons or Half Angels, or other things of that nature.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
Besides the GHETTO issue, the other thing that makes me angry is when people say, "His/Her hair is NAPPY" It burns me up. What does Nappy mean really, your hair is not nappy, it can be straight, curly, thick, thin, wavy.... but not nappy, again the worst part black people say it all the time like its ok

I love that blacks are reclaiming the word
I love telling people my hair is nappy, then they met me and see my dreads that reach my ass and are in shock

Originally Posted by SkylarV217
Completely agree!, I don't think any race or religion should be entitled to something that all races or religions are not privileged to. Affirmative action infuriates me. I don't think any one should get a job based upon religion, sex or race. It should be based solely on a persons abilities. Isn't that taking a step back?

Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
affirmative action started out well meaning, but I think now it is giving a free ride to those, (not just blacks, but other minorities like women) who don't qualify for the position. I know they want to promote equality, but instead they are causing prejudice and resentment towards those whom it benefits. Is this not prejudice? It also lowers the standards of expected work just to fill a slot eventually setting them and other institutions up for failure. I feel like I am paying for the mistakes my ancestors made over a 100 years ago even though I had nothing to do with their decisions. Instead I think they should put the money toward education of poor areas. This would not only solve the racism issue, but it would push minorities up to the level more equal with wealthier and more educated areas.
It's a tough decision because while i don't think anyone should be left out, i feel the most qualified and those who worked the hardest should be rewarded.

I always roll my eyes when ppl start on affirmative action, because my dh has been turned down for jobs where he was the best qualified person BUT they hired women who weren't as well qualified for the job because of it, and we are black, and it hasn't done shit for us.
when dh is the only black guy in a department 90% of the time he's more qualified that most of his workmates and worked harder to get there too.

Originally Posted by pinkxsushii
I get highly offended when people of my own race (African American) tell me that I am not proud to be black because I "act white". Now i've been called white all my life and it doesn't bother me as much as it use to, but for someone to tell me that they think I don't like being black really crosses the line. Another issue that bothers me is when my own race criticizes me for dating out of my race. One person told me they feel like I don't think black men are good enough for me, which is not what I think at all. It's just really funny when someone thinks that they can tell you how you feel on things, but anyways....

Try being black but not American, I have no black American friends here in SC because I'm not black enough for most
We start talking and generally we can't relate so it never gets off the ground, while my white friends are like "whatever we are going out drinking!!" "we don't care about the differences"
I actually had a table of black women give me the evil eye for being out to dinner with my white friends, and it was crazy because my friends saw them and asked what the problem was, htf was I supposed to know?

Oh what does make me roll my eyes is when I tell ppl I'm from the caribbean,
really where?
where is that in Jamacia


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
I love that blacks are reclaiming the word
I love telling people my hair is nappy, then they met me and see my dreads that reach my ass and are in shock

I always roll my eyes when ppl start on affirmative action, because my dh has been turned down for jobs where he was the best qualified person BUT they hired women who weren't as well qualified for the job because of it, and we are black, and it hasn't done shit for us.
when dh is the only black guy in a department 90% of the time he's more qualified that most of his workmates and worked harder to get there too.

Try being black but not American, I have no black American friends here in SC because I'm not black enough for most
We start talking and generally we can't relate so it never gets off the ground, while my white friends are like "whatever we are going out drinking!!" "we don't care about the differences"
I actually had a table of black women give me the evil eye for being out to dinner with my white friends, and it was crazy because my friends saw them and asked what the problem was, htf was I supposed to know?

Oh what does make me roll my eyes is when I tell ppl I'm from the caribbean,
really where?
where is that in Jamacia

Yessss... Mine locs aren't there yet, but I can appreciate what you're saying... Ppl always are in shock that nappy hair grows and could look good... And I do find that I don't identify well with black Americans on a one on one basis... I don't know why I get along better with everybody else. And everywhere in the Caribbean is in Jamaica... That's the extent of most ppl's education, I feel. I had to deal with roommates having a horrible "jamaican accent" my freshman year, when time and again I said I was from Trinidad...

Don't you know I had a manager when I worked in customer service who told me that we in the Caribbean are so backward and come to America on banana boats? Funny thing is, she is from Puerto Rico - which lies in the Caribbean Sea... But anyway...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reesesilverstar
Yessss... Mine locs aren't there yet, but I can appreciate what you're saying... Ppl always are in shock that nappy hair grows and could look good... And I do find that I don't identify well with black Americans on a one on one basis... I don't know why I get along better with everybody else. And everywhere in the Caribbean is in Jamaica... That's the extent of most ppl's education, I feel. I had to deal with roommates having a horrible "jamaican accent" my freshman year, when time and again I said I was from Trinidad...

Don't you know I had a manager when I worked in customer service who told me that we in the Caribbean are so backward and come to America on banana boats? Funny thing is, she is from Puerto Rico - which lies in the Caribbean Sea... But anyway...

I go between I love my hair and I'm going to big chop if ppl don't keep their hands out my f***ing head, touching it like it's walking around not attached to me.
It's amazing how many ppl think my hair is fake, why yes you've known me a year and I've kept fake hair in all that time

Oh yes fake accents, and the stories of the guy who bought a slamming house for next to nothing in your country, when you know that won't buy a shack in the country, yet he got a beach side palace, yeah right.

My personal favs, do you have running water? electricity? what's your native language?
I seriously sometimes go nope, no running water, my washing machine hooks up to the ocean. electricity? no the tree houses don't have any, my native language clicks

Then they catch that I'm making fun of them and feel stupid, lol.


Well-known member
LOL.. yes not all black people are from Jamaica.
Not all asians are Chinese..

At work this woman was having problems with her digital camera and she brought it to someone and said.. you should know how to work this.. you're chinese!
It really pisses me off when people don't even think about what they are going to say and how offensive it could be. idiot.

and this acting "white" BS.. i have a story about that too

When i was doing reception in a real estate office one of the agents called in and I answered the phone.. professionally.. and (not like I am friends with this girl) she said to me why do you have to sound so friggin white? WTF?!

Someone please tell me what it means to sound "black". WTF does black sound like? There are black people born in England and they have english accents.. have they lost their blackness too?
I don't have any other accent except for a...... canadian one I guess?!? and I don't have to prove my blackness to anyone.

Maybe she was born on the island of Black and therefore she can walk blacker than me, talk blacker than me, and will be blacker than I will ever be.

good for her.
ignorant b*tch.


Well-known member
I'm caucasian, and married to a Native American.

And I work at a VERY well known Tribal owned casino. Therefore, I'm offended just about on a daily basis.

Said by people that lost their money:

"Oh well, I guess we fed all the Indians today." "I guess those Indians' checks will be big this month, eh?" and my all time favorite that I heard WHEN I WAS PREGNANT:

"Fuckin' Indians...we shoulda killed them when we had the chance!"

It took EVERYTHING I HAD in my SOUL to not reach across the table and punch the shit out of someone.

Not all Tribes hand out checks to enrolled members. My husband's Tribe doesn't. And don't hate on the Indians because they've got the monopoly on casinos. They EARNED it. How would they like if someone busted into their house and took it over??

Seriously? Just because *I'm* white, don't assume my entire family is. I'm actually the minority in my family. Hubby couldn't believe the first Christmas get together he attended. He said "Damn, there are hardly any white folks here". I've got Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans in my family.

You come around me talking some ignorant shit, you better be prepared to have a new asshole ripped for you. If you are STUPID enough to verbalize your ignorant, unaccepting, narrow-minded, racist, pathetic thoughts out loud, I'm BITCH enough to tell you off. I have NO tolerance for it.

Oh, and my most recent new pet peeve....listening to people talk about how Obama is the Anti-Christ.

Um, seriously? At the very least, read the Left Behind series of books..you'll realize what an absolute moron you are.

Black President=End of the World?!? Did you really just say that shit out loud??

People like that....they're just oxygen thieves. All they do is wander the planet, spewing shit and stealing oxygen from the productive members of the human species.

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