Heartsick :(


Well-known member
I am so angry with myself.

About a week ago, I found a pair of Gucci sunglasses for $69. Now, I've never spent more than $10 on a pair but I really liked these and though, hey, they retail for much much more, so why not?

I enjoyed them for a few days, then wore my glasses (instead of contacts) for a few days and now...I can't find them.

I feel *so* *stupid* for 1) spending that much on a pair of sunglasses and 2) being so careless with them! I manage to hold onto my $5 4-year old pair but can't be bothered to keep track of a pair I actually paid good money for?!

*sigh* I won't make that mistake again...


Well-known member
that happened to me a few times.. that just happends! Try not to be very upset about it, cause it wont make things change! Maybe you should look at home for them?

A funny thing happened to me a month ago - i somehow lost a pair of nicest panties and stockings. Damn, how can you possibly lose it? How can you lose it at home and not find it in a month?? I miss them too so much

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
LOL You reminded me of a story from when I was in high school.

My optometrist decided that I needed glasses, so my mom paid $350 for some glasses because I wanted Prada. Well, I wore them out to a CARNIVAL. I took them off when I went on a ride and I closed them around my belt loop so I wouldn't lose them...yeah right...they got lost. LOL My mom was piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed, but she bought me another pair and I definitely learned my lesson. I STILL have those glasses, though I don't use them, it's been a long time.


Well-known member
I just lost one of my favorite new shirts... I know it's here somewhere, but I can't imagine it just walked off. It's driving me nuts, too.

I hope you find your sunglasses!!!


Well-known member
I hate when I lose stuff this happens to me a lot but I know its at my house somewhere....it usually takes months then it turns up...


Well-known member
Gucci must be jinxed because I haven't had much luck with mine either.

Almost the same scenario as you, I held onto my freebie sunnies for 3 years, Bought my guccis then instead of losing them, I had my hands full & stupidly chucked them in my bag only for 5 mins, thats all it took to get a massive scratch on the lenses