

Well-known member
My contacts are stuck in my eye!!! No matter what I do I can't get them out, but I need to because my eyes are really irritated and it hurts really bad. I tried re-wetting them, and that doesn't work, I tried looking up and sliding them down but that doesn't work. They're STUCK to my eyeball...like they don't slide around at all and I NEED to change them immediatly.! Help...


Well-known member
oh dear this makes me think twice about getting eye contacts. I should probably stick to my glasses than. God it sounds like it really really hurts you def. need to go to the emergency room there's no way you do that by yourself or have someone else do it. Hope you are ok!

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
I wear contacts and I've had this happen to me before. It's probably not the best thing to do, but in that situation I've always just kept messing with it (the contact) rubbing my eyes to loosen it and just trying to peel if off my eye. I've never had to go to the Doc, but if you can't get it out then you might have to.


Well-known member
With clean, dry hands, try putting one finger on each edge of the lense and gently pinch your fingers together, putting slight pressure on your eye, but not pushing. If that doesn't work or if you've already tried it, I would suggest seeing a doctor ASAP.


Well-known member
I finally got it out :] My eyes feel bruised though : /. I can't put any pressure on them or I'll get this stabbing pain in the back of my eye. I should be fine...but I'm just sooo glad I got them out.


Well-known member
I feel your pain. I once fell asleep with mine in (they aren't the kind you can do that with) and had the same thing happen. The only way I could finally get the sucker out was to start crying and it took about 10 minutes to loosen up. Ouch. I still wear them, but I will never make the mistake of falling asleep with them in again.


Well-known member
I got Lasik a few years ago. That would fix all of your problems.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
I sometimes have problem with this as well. I never really had any problem before I started to grow my nails out (I used to bite them off), so I try to keep them short or just wear my glasses. I don't think this is the same problem that you had, but I thought it might make a difference.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by karen
I got Lasik a few years ago. That would fix all of your problems.

I still have about ten years before I'm elligible :[


Well-known member
I had an horrific first experience with contacts today! I just got them for fun..it was so NOT fun.

first I couldnt get them in for anything..and then I fianlly got ONE in and then it disappeared!! it was up in my eye somewhere! and I couldnt see it and I was freaking out. I kept blinking and finally it slid back down. annnd to make it worse my nails ripped them both...needless to say they're in the trash now. me and contacts dont mix lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamDazzled
I had an horrific first experience with contacts today! I just got them for fun..it was so NOT fun.

first I couldnt get them in for anything..and then I fianlly got ONE in and then it disappeared!! it was up in my eye somewhere! and I couldnt see it and I was freaking out. I kept blinking and finally it slid back down. annnd to make it worse my nails ripped them both...needless to say they're in the trash now. me and contacts dont mix lol

Isn't that the scariest shit in the world!!! That happened to me once. I just about had a panic attack. The contact just disappeared up in my eye socket. I had just heard of someone I went to school with who had to go to the doctor and have it surgically removed. But I tried not to blink too much cuz I was scraed it would go further back. So I just kept my eyes open and they started watering and it came right out.....10-15 minutes later.

Joke - You'll be alright. Wear your glasses for awhile and try not to rub or further irritate your eyes.


Well-known member
ooohh sweetie be very careful! the last thing i'd want is for you to lose your eye sight or something! i'm glad you got them out safely though in the end


Well-known member
How long have you had them in? I had that happen once after I had slept in them, it really scared me. I got them out by flushing my eyes out with a big bottle of lens cleaner, then rubbing until they loosened, as someone else suggested.
I'm glad you got them out.

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