Hello fellow MAC heads!


I joined a while ago but haven't gotten around to posting my intro yet. I am of course, MAC addicted. I currently have a crap job to pay those bills and feed my makeup habit, but I'm building my resume to hopefully be working for MAC one day soon. *fingers crossed* In the meantime I am studying towards my degree.

I love cult films. Especially stuff from the 80's, old hollywood, horror and lots and lots of B-movies from every era. I enjoy music like psychobily, punk, new wave and ska. Pop music I do enjoy on occaision. I watch animation, experiment with my hair, love designing clothes (though I suck at making them) and researching fashion and fashion history.

Hope to get in on the MAC chat homes!


Well-known member
Hello EmGloss, a fellow Texan! Welcome to Specktra.
I'm happy you found your way here, I hope we can provide a useful resource for you.


Well-known member
Hi EmGloss and welcome to Specktra!


I'm sure you'll have as much fun here as we have every day!