Hello?! I'm Up Here!! ::boob rant::


Well-known member
So this has always made me annoyed. Its no secret that I am chesty and proud of it. But what I absolutely hate is when people blatantly stare at my chest. Seriously, I am up here!!

I was wearing a shirt that was pretty conservative, but showed a hint of cleavage (because unfortunately my shirt slipped down a tad). Everyone, guys and girls included would stare while i spoke with them (i happened to be shopping yesterday) Clothing is hard to shop for since i have a large chest but a small everything else, so i cant help it if shirts fit the way they do. I just get so self conscious sometimes and its not helped when people look.

And then there was the "motorboat" comment i got when walking with my bf in philly... Dangit!


Well-known member
Whether is curiosity, jealousy, or envy, people will look and stare. I would do something that lets them know you are noticing, maybe crossing your arms in a blatant way, so it's obvious to them that you notice them staring. If it's just in passing, that's hard to do. If you are talking to someone who is talking to your breasts, you can do a little something to call attention to what they are doing.


Well-known member
Objectification =/= respect.
Objectification =/= compliment.
Objectification =/= 'worth looking at'.


Well-known member
I have a very good friend who is a 30F. She gets people staring at her boobs like that all of the time and I feel bad for her. So therefore, I feel your pain, too (even though I have minimal boobage).


Well-known member
hey, i'm a 28 DDD .
I FEEL YOUR PAIN! Don't let it get to you because it will ALWAYS happen until it drives you towards a breast reduction (what i've talked myself out of quite recently) and then you'll get that and they'll just find something else to talk about.

I can't go in the mall without people stopping, quite literally, to stare at my tits and I constantly get harassed.

Just whatever you do don't be like me and let those people make you feel ashamed of what you look like .

Also, I disagree with the minimizer bra comment that someone left earlier because those just hurt you and are uncomfortable, just make sure that you go to a bra specialist and have them fit you for a bra and then have them tailor it to fit you. I tell everyone this but no one listens!!


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I ignore people who make rude comments, but if they're blatantly staring, I'd ask them if there's something wrong and be a little smug about it, because you know why they're staring


Well-known member
I was a DD by high school (now a DDD), so I have always dealt with it. I understand that one quick glance might be human nature, but people that constantly dart back and forth between my eyes and boobs when they talk to me....forget it,now I'm annoyed.

I am 36, but about age 30 or so, I finally got fed up with the leering. When I catch someone doing it, I just look them straight in the eye and say, "Stop doing that." Some are stupid enough to say "What are you talking about?" I will then call them out. I have done it at work, to strangers in an elevator, you name it. I am not confrontational or rude, just very matter of fact about it. 99.9% of the time it mortifies them and they shut up and look elsewhere.

It really is liberating to say that to someone after all of those years of just putting up with it.


Well-known member
Ugh, do I feel your pain. I used to wear the wrong clothes, because I was young and stupid, and because it was hard to find anything else. I got so many damn stares, just walking to my house or to a corner store, old men would stare at my chest and I always felt uncomfortable.

Now, it doesn't even matter if I'm wearing a bathing suit or a trench coat, they still stare. It's the weirdest thing. Girls stare too. And my boyfriend finally started realizing it, and he'll tell me when we're walking through the mall "haha guys keep staring at you, wow that girl just stared at you too" I don't mind if people stare when I'm with my boyfriend because he's there to protect me. But there has been so many times that I've walked somewhere by myself and had guys offer me rides, or tell me how big my boobs were, or "hey great ass!" uhhh NO!

I do my best to hide my chesticles now.I'm a 32DDD. A minimizer bra used to work wonders for me, however I've noticed that I'm now too big/fed up with my boobs, and a minimizer can't help me anymore. The minimizers aren't uncomfortable to me, but my big boobs are. They cause physical pain, and extreme self consciousness and low self esteem. Before meeting my boyfriend, I used to wonder if all guys were only going to talk to me because of my boobs. It's not a good feeling to think that may be all you're worth to men. Its cute when your 13 and 14 years old and you just started to get noticed because of your body, but in time, that gets old. I'm only 18 but I am praying that a breast reduction will occur in the next few months. Because I am fed up...point blank period. People don't understand what a girl with big breasts actually goes through. Girls hate us, call us names, and disrespect us because they wish they had big boobs, or they wish they got attention from guys like we did. Little do they know, we hate this attention! Guys are disgusting, staring, horny, perverted pigs, who will do or say anything to see how far he can get with you, not caring how uncomfortable he makes you feel by staring and stalking.

And everyone tells me "Oh, girl. You can give some to me because I need them!" Bitch, you are a C cup--you're the perfect size. I hate hearing that! I would rather go down to a C, but I would even be okay with an A cup, because small titties are cute. You don't have to worry about looking like a cow or a chimpanzee.

Sorry my post is so long. I just have a lot to say on the subject. And girl, Philly/South Jersey guys are so damn rude and obnoxious. I truly understand where you are coming from on this topic. I just wish I had gotten a breast reduction sooner, so I wouldn't be dealing with them right now.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I hope you're getting the reduction for yourself and not because of other people. People will ALWAYS be assholes to one another; I bet Katherine Heigel has had people treat her badly because of how she looks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I hope you're getting the reduction for yourself and not because of other people. People will ALWAYS be assholes to one another; I bet Katherine Heigel has had people treat her badly because of how she looks.

Oh no, I'm definetly having the reduction for myself. I'm sick of the physical pain they cause me, and not being able to walk into any store and just buy a bra or a bathing suit, or even a shirt. I have a lot of limitations in my life as to what I can and can't do, or wear, etc. I'm tired of that. My body would look 100x better with a smaller size breast. If I was happy with my breasts, I wouldn't give a damn what anybody thought. But I'm not.

BTW, Katherine Heigl is beautiful and she has a great body. I just saw her in a milk ad (i think thats what it was) and she has some hips on her! Something I wish I had more of


Well-known member
I have actually tried using minimizer bras- god they make your boobs look like cones- pointy and separated! I find just buying good bras in my size helps em look smaller, but man my bras cost me 100 dollars and up. 30g's are only made by 2-3 brands...

And yeah, while in convo with a girl yesterday she kept looking at em too.I try to hide em most of the time but when i don't its like, hey- look at my rack!

Thanks for all your advice and for sharing your experiences ladies. It helps to know im not alone


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
I have actually tried using minimizer bras- god they make your boobs look like cones- pointy and separated! I find just buying good bras in my size helps em look smaller, but man my bras cost me 100 dollars and up. 30g's are only made by 2-3 brands...

And yeah, while in convo with a girl yesterday she kept looking at em too.I try to hide em most of the time but when i don't its like, hey- look at my rack!

Thanks for all your advice and for sharing your experiences ladies. It helps to know im not alone

Really? Minimizers don't make mine look like cones, but they do make them look very smooth and neat (unlike how a bra thats too small will make your boobs sloppy and all over the place) I have to separate my boobs, because I hate looking like they are stuck together (Uni-boob)

I just bought a minimizer for $68. I think that if I didn't have to spend this money on bras, it would go to MAC.