Help...Acne medicines safe to use when pregnant?


New member
I am now five months pregnant and can't find a safe acne medicine to use while I am pregnant. I really haven't found any medications that work at all. If anyone can help it would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!


Well-known member
pre-pregnancy i used differen and was told that it was too strong so i was given oxistat and erythromicin (sp). Oxistat is a great moisturizer and i use it in the mornings, erythromicin is for nighttime use and it has a strong alcohol smell and makes your skin peel. its not really irritating or uncomfortable since it is for nighttime use but i would tell you to be careful since you are pregnant and you may develop new sensitivities. I would also highly recommend visiting your dermatologist to find what other meds may be good for you.


Well-known member
Regardless of what recommendations you get online, I strongly suggest that you check with a doctor/dermatologist before you start with anything. The last thing you want to do is risk your baby's health, or to cause your skin damage because of pregnancy related changes. Although I don't know of anything myself, I wish you luck and congrats on your pregnancy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NutMeg
Regardless of what recommendations you get online, I strongly suggest that you check with a doctor/dermatologist before you start with anything. The last thing you want to do is risk your baby's health, or to cause your skin damage because of pregnancy related changes. Although I don't know of anything myself, I wish you luck and congrats on your pregnancy.

I agree 100% check with a doctor/dermatologist before you start with anything.

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
Maybe you could try using a green clay mask as a spot treatment at night? It works fine for me but I agree you should check with your doctor before doing anything first.


Well-known member
Ask your OBGYN. You might just want to stick with drugstore topical stuff until the baby is born. Pretty much the only thing I was allowed to take when I was pregnant was Tylenol. If you are not allowed to take anything at least you know it is not forever.