Help! I have a question for makeover demo tommorow!!


Everything is going so fast!! I turned in my app, did my one on one , now I have to do a demo infront of the RM. The manager told me that I only have 30 minutes and the RM is going to show me pictures of makeup and I have to choose one to do on my model. She also warned me that he may not have everything there so i would have to ask for items that are missing.

The questions to my fellow MAC employees are,"What is the proper order for make up apllication?
2.Am I to assume that the models face is already clean?or do I have to apply cleanser?
3. Do I put moisterizer then primer, then foundation?
Please help!


Well-known member
The usual order (I wouldn't say "proper" 'cause there are no hard and fast rules) is: foundation/concealer, powder, brows, eyes, mascara, blush and then lips. I would assume the model's face is already clean since you only have 30 minutes. Yup, moisturizer, primer and then foundation. Good luck.


Well-known member
It's your model so, yes, have her come with a completely clean face. I'd say still start with a wipe, explaining that it will get the oils off & refresh her skin. & then go with the above described steps.
The only thing I would add is that if you're using pigments (or forgery or filament-those 2 make suuuch a mess), do the foundation after the eyes to prevent wasting time on touch ups after all the dust settles.


Thank you

Thanks you so much !! You both are lifesavers. The only other question I have is when you finish, do you re-powder or add anything to seal it in?


Well-known member
Definitely do the eyes first, then everything else (apply the moisturizer and primer - in that order- before you start so that you give it a chance to sink in)...I also agree on wiping her face with a wipe and explain to your model everything you are doing..step by're going to do great!


Well-known member
During my makeuip demo, i did everything i did on a usual client, i moisterized then did foundation and powder, then cheeks, then eyes and last i did lips. There isnt a set way in doing makeup, its all about what your comfterable with, if your not used to doing it any other way than your own then go for it. They not only want to see how well you do makeup but how you apply it so they know what you could work and what your excellent at. I wish you so much luck!!! i know you could do it!!

oh yea... if something isnt available that you'd liek to use dont hesitate to ask an MA if you could get it or if they can get it for you, first thing that comes to mind is fix+. I had to step away from my model for a few seconds to grab some disposable lipbrushes.


Active member
so do they show you pictures of makeup that you have to use? do they show you a model in a picture that you have to copy?

btw, awesome job!!


They showed me four pictures that were on a face charts that I had never seen before and I had to pick one. They only gave me 5 brushes and said I didn't need anymore. All the pictures were alittle advanced to me. ( I do basic natural makeup.)
I had to ask for all the prepping items, moisterizer, etc and they told me I had 30 minutes. ( They had the color and brushes and foundation put so you had to ask for the rest)
Then when I was finished she said I had my pick of items to make the look more dramatic.

Hope this helps!

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