Help me pick my birthday CARGO!


Well-known member
Haha, when I first typed in the title it was DARGO. Silly, but I started laughing uncontrollably...

Anyhoo, my b-day's coming up
and I thought I'd treat myself to my first *gasp* CARGO haul! They seem to be the next-most affordable for me (I've already got some UD), and reviews keep raving about their texture. =D

I'm planning to order online sometime this weekend. I don't anticipate getting much money, so I'm only looking at getting a couple of items. I'd like to get some colour to play with, but if the neutrals are really that great, I'll dive into them... perhaps. =P

After some research on MUA and Sephora, here's what I've been eyeing, with thoughts:

e/s duos (in order of me liking): Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Kentucky
~ the darker colour in Arizona's really got me, but how wearable/buildable is it?
~ is Nevada too red for me? I couldn't find any pics except on Sephora and it looks a bit red, but on MUA someone described it as lighter/darker gold, another as camel and copper.

Mozambique e/s palette
~ saw an awesome eotd with the two cocoa browns of the palette, but what about the rest?

Any of the Beach Blushes
~ is Sunset too light/pink?
~ does Miami actually have some plum in it? The pics make it look quite light. And if I have After Dusk and Sunbasque, can I skip this?
~ is Coral too orange? I have MAC's Peaches and it's starting to look too orange on me. I prefer to mix Sunbasque and Desirous right now.

For MAC products I have check out my MUA notepad and scroll down to blushes/beauty powders/msfs. Oh, for ref, I'm Select spf NC30, MSF natural medium, Chinese with black-brown hair and brown eyes.

Thanks so much in advance!


Well-known member
Hi, I have sunset beach, and it is not too light for me, but I am a NC15 or 20, depending on the formula. I think a NC30 could wear it though, especially if you like a light glow to your cheeks-- it definitely won't give you a flushed look. HTHS.


Well-known member
^ Thanks for the comments/suggestions! I don't have ANYTHING Cargo so far, so any suggestion would be great! I've peeked at the blushes and was thinking it'd be easier to narrow down from the duos and Beaches since there are so many blushes! I'll keep The Big Easy in mind tho...