HELP! My skin is driving me nuts!


Well-known member
My skin is driving me nuts! I don't even know my skin type since I have so much going on with it. My cheeks and the sides of my nose are super dry. The top of my nose is oily. Everywhere else seems to be ok. So to solve my drin skin issues, I have tried a number of moisturizers, all of which break me out horribly. How can I get rid of the dry skin on my cheeks without zits? Nothing is working for me! I am wondering if it might be my foundation that's causing it. I recently had to get another kind of foundation (by the same manufacturer that I normally use) cause they discontinued mine. I don't remember having the same problem before I switched. I have a tendency to put more foundation on my cheeks than anywhere else on my face because that's where most of my acne scars are. The breakouts come after I moisturize, not after the switch in foundations. Any suggestions?


Well-known member
I'm so sorry Audrey.. My skin has been fighting with my for the last few weeks and is finally starting to come around... I was SUPER DUPER dry around my nose, my forhead and cheeks but oily on my nose and chin... Grrr
Anywho, I exfoliated the particular spots and just started packing on moisturizer before I went to bed and now its barely better... It sucked though cause for a few days my face was gross, kinda flaking by mid-day. I don't use foundation but on those days I was trying everything and I think the foundation made things worse... My skin isn't really sensitive though so I'm sorry I can't help. Maybe you can try one of the brands like clean & clear that have moisturizers that don't cause breakouts... Good luck!!


New member
The different changes in moisturizers for sure can cause problems.
It sounds like your skin is going through a change regaurdless of what products you have put on it.
I can make suggestion on moisturizers but I'd like to what you have used first.

I'd also like to ask what cleanser you use and if any what other products do you use on your face?

As we get older we need to adjust our skincare routine. BTW, Not saying you are old

As for the foundation:
First compare the ingredients of your new foundation to your old one, if possible.
Just because it's the same brand doesn't me it can't cause problems. You might have to try a new one if that one is not working for you. Typically when I try a new foundation I do a "patch test". I will apply the foundation on just one area of my face that I know is sensitive to breakouts. I do this for a few days. If I start to see signs of breakout the foundation is no go. Keep the receipt so you can take it back.
Can I ask what one you are using now?

Sorry for all the questions but it helps to figure out what you are doing and what will work


Well-known member
Ok, right now, I am using Ultima II Wonderwear LIQUID foundation. Before they discontinued it, I was using Ultima II Wonderwer CREAM foundation. Even though it was heavier, my skin was never dry and never broke out EVER! As far as moisturizers, I have used Ultima II Aqua Tint (for redness) moisterizer. I used it for a long time with no problems, and now it's effecting me. I have tried several from Olay, Jergens, I tried the Clinique 3 step skin care program... THAT really did a number on my skin. As far as cleanser, I have been using Irish Spring bar soap (really bad I know). It is the only thing that worked in keeping my skin clear. I have recently tried dove, and that broke me out too. I don't use a toner of any sorts because that always dried me out really bad, and then when I moisturized, it broke me out. I have been using the same things for like 10 years with no issues. With one switch in foundation, everything went haywire!

ETA: I have used the new foundation for like 4 months and have no had issues. In fact, I am nearing the bottom of the bottle. Could that have anything to do with it? I mean, do certain things settle at the bottom of the bottle?


I just recently started using Origins skin care, and I've noticed a huge difference in my skin. I have super sensitive skin combo that's completely prone to breakouts, and they don't irritate it at all. My pores are smaller, my skin looks smoother, and my breakouts seem to be pretty much gone right now.

Or it might be some type of allergy to something you're using. I know, personally, I can't use anything with SPF in it on my face. I get all itchy and then I start to break out. Maybe there's something in one of the products you're using that you're allergic to. Best thing you could do is elliminate them one by one and see if the problem stops.

Hope that helps.

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