help! out to sea eyeliner..


New member
i've been looking everrrrywhere for mine and i can't find it anywhere! i'm really upset because i absolutely LOVED it and i know they discontinued it so my question is - are there any eyeliners out there that is the closest possible to out to sea? i know mac has a fluid line thats basically the same color, but i really like having it in pencil form. i have light as air and i think that's too light - i really really love the look of out to sea.

help?! please haha.

im new by the way, hey


Well-known member
You should really try some of the pencils from Make Up Forever called Auqa eyes. They have one that is pretty close to Out to Sea. Here is the link:

Sephora: Make Up For Ever Aqua Eyes: Eyeliner

Also if you are dead set on MAC Out to see you should try their Gone But Not Forgotten program to see if they can locate one for you. Or you could try a CCO (Cosmetics Company Outlet) at many US outlet malls.

Hopefully one of those ideas will help!


Well-known member
try the technakohl eyeliner in smoothblue (thats the recommendation i got from the mac website)
or fluidline in blue peep (is a gel liner but the same color)

clarity and electric eel eyeshadows


Well-known member
If ur good with ebay u can find alot of disc. stuff, sometimes they want a big price and sometimes you'll catch a god deal.

I know I've gave up and bought a freaking disc. Miss Mofit lipstick for like 45$!!lol