Help! Please...


Well-known member
I feel super sick!
I have a really bad headache.
I feel nausea and like I am about to vomit.
I keep burping alot!
My head is POUNDING.

I am on my period, so another pregnancy is pretty much
ruled out (I HOPE!)

The doctor long ago told me I had some form of
gastritis triggerd by aspirin , which I hardly ever took

I dont know what it is.

Its been going on for days.

I had to cram for exams and since then it hasnt gone away.
I have motion sickness and went to an amusement park
dramamine did nothing for me as I threw up right after (gross)

I dont know why I feel like this.

My state insurance will no longer be available to me
as of may!


Im takin BC by the way

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Call your doctor now. If it's been going on for days and you're in the midst of exams, you should check with him/her to make sure you're okay.


Well-known member
I have to agree with the above posters, sweetie. It could be a multitude of things. Just go see your doctor. Here's hoping you feel better soon!


Well-known member
see your doctor girl!! and please keep us updated on how you're doing.. i hope you're doing better since your last post.. take care!!!


Well-known member
Hon def go to the doc's and check if you have a fever and make sure you're changing your tampon every three or four hours depending on your flow. Because if you're wearing tampons u can easily suffer from Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Read this link


Well-known member
Yeah I called my doctor and they said they couldnt see me until the 21st. She is on vacation. And then they told me to look for another primary care physician, and my insurance is limited so I called but they said I have to call the providers for i dunno what the heck!
I still feel dizzy and Im eating but I feel like Im gonna puke..

Im having the equilibrium problem..
I dunno why.. I am laying down n I feel like
the room is spinning super fast
and i hold on to my bed n cry cus I cant make it stop
and even wen im standing I feel like Im gonna fall

Im refraining from picking up my son too much
for fear of dropping him.
I think if it continues ill just go to the ER.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I'd go to the ER today. You never know what it could be, and this sounds like an emergency

There's no one else at your doctor's office?


Well-known member
hey ladies thanks!
I havent gone to the doctor
but I feel alot better.
I only feel slightly dizzy now.

I dunno if lack of sleep has anything to do with it.
My neck hurts alot n it keeps me awake!

but Im trying to change my doctor.
If I dont change it before a visit
I wont be covered =[