help! student id photo


for college is tomorrow after my placement exam for english (if i do well, which i'm hoping, then i'm exempted from the class which means 3 hours a week of freedom!). i'm trying to think maybe going bold or smokey or natural.
help, please! i have green eyes & i'm NC15 if that helps. i also have dark hair.

the shadows i have (all MAC):
-Beauty Marked
-Shadowy Lady
-Sumptuous Olive
-Deep Truth
-All That Glitters
-Smoke & Diamonds
-Satin Taupe


Well-known member
For something like an ID photo, I would keep it simple. I like Shroom on the lid with Satin Taupe in the outer crease and Carbon next to the lashline.

Depends on your style though. If you normally do bold or smokey looks, then why not?