Help with a gift for boyfriend please


Well-known member
OK. now next week I will have been going out with my boyfriend for 6 months. To me thats a huuuuuge deal. I am almost 22 and he is my first boyfriend ever (due to my commitment and intimacy issues). He is ery important to me and I would like to MAKE him something.

Does anyone have any cute ideas?

A scrapbook? A picture frame? I am unsure.

I made him recently a little story book that told the story of him and i but in 'fairytale' talk. So I was a princess and him a knight. HE LOVED IT! I know that might be cheesy to some of you hehehehe............


Well-known member
If you're going to make him something for that, I would make it something really small. I know that everyone is different, but I think people usually concentrate on special occasions and year-anniversaries. (i'm not saying theres anything wrong with you wanting to celebrate 6 months, though) I would make it something light, fun and cute just not too big. Chances are he isn't going to make as big a deal out of 6 months as he would for the year anniversary. I like the picture frame idea...just a cute picture frame with your favorite picture of you two in it. I like that

Haha ever since me and my boyfriend got together we would always just say it on the phone, every month. sometimes we would forget but the 27th of every month we'd tell eachother "happy 4 months, happy 5 months, etc" lol.
for our year anniversary I got him a gold rope chain and he got my name tattooed on his arm


Well-known member
oh my god. the 27th is our day and we always say that on the phone
!! how cute. I know, I don't want to get him a big thing because we always said we wouldn't.... but we live in different cities when I'm not at uni so we haven't seen each other for a while so i really want to get him a cute little prezzie...... thanks for the idea!! x


Well-known member
aww thats so cool! I know its retarded of me but what month did you guys start going out? (i should be able to tell by it being 6 months...but whatever I have trouble counting the months lol)

anyways, yeah especially since you live in different cities, i think the whole picture frame thing would be perfect, so he can look at it and think of you until you see eachother


Well-known member
I really like the picture frame idea, especially if you guys go for a long time without seeing eachother. Maybe do a collage of pictures for the frame, with one really special picture in it? Then he could look at it and always be thinking of you.

Also, since you said that you guys live in different cities when you're not at school, do you e-mail eachother a lot? As corny as it sounds, I made a boyfriend (now my ex though haha) a kind of scrapbook type thing with a bunch of our lovey-dovey emails.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Vexedpink, thats such a cute idea!!!!!! But, I don't know if my boy would appreciate that. He'e so.... hmmmm... i dont know what the word is. I thought that I could make a little 'movie for 2' voucher, and put soda and popcorn in a bowl, and bring a good movie and then a big blanket, and give him the framed picture. Maybe thats stupid tho.


Well-known member
that is a FANTASTIC idea vexed! my husband and are are also the 27th (August) and our 2 year anniversary is coming up...we're pretty broke so that would make a great gift for him cuz he loves the sentimental stuff! I'm SO going to make a scrapbook of our emails/love letters! thanks a million~


Well-known member
Originally Posted by trojanpopcorn
Vexedpink, thats such a cute idea!!!!!! But, I don't know if my boy would appreciate that. He'e so.... hmmmm... i dont know what the word is. I thought that I could make a little 'movie for 2' voucher, and put soda and popcorn in a bowl, and bring a good movie and then a big blanket, and give him the framed picture. Maybe thats stupid tho.

i don't think that's stupid trojan...i made a coupon book for someone once...good for a movie, good for a massage, good for a hug etc...

i also blew up a picture i took of myself into an 8x10 and framed it for my hubby. the picture was of me smiling cuz he always says he loves my smile, especially when my small eyes turn into crescent moon eyes lol! he loved it!