Help with my brows!


Well-known member
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to fix the shape of my brow. I know pretty much nothing about shaping or styling brows so please, forgive me! I get them waxed about once a week (they grow so fast). I pluck a little bit in between to help them maintain their shape.

These are my eyebrows:

I want this:

Credit to : YouTube - monroemisfitmakeup's Channel

Is it possible? Where would I start? Any help would be much appreciated


Well-known member
honestly, i don't think you'll be able to get the desired shape with your natural brows. you could always remove the outter parts of your eyebrow (from the arch towards the ear) and draw in the desired shape.


Well-known member
Hm, I'm going to look into your idea Kimmy. Maybe I'll just wait it out till more hair grows over the arch and towards the ear (it grows, just a bit slower than the rest) and then I can take out some of the hair underneath, and pencil.

I don't hate, hate my brows. I just wish they were more straight across rather than rounded.


Well-known member
Ahh! Thanks ladies. Maybe I'm just being too picky then. I guess I'll just thin them out a little bit.


Well-known member
Eye brows are tricky. Everyone's brows are different, the shape, where the arch starts and ends etc etc. I don't think you will be able to achieve the look that you want because of the way your brows naturally arch than the models who's arch is more to the outer part of her eye.

Leave your brows as is. they suite your face better that the other ones would.



Well-known member
I have to admit, I like your brows and I really hate the shape of the other ones. Yours are cute!


Well-known member
I definitely like your brows they way they are now. That shape that you want doesn't seem like it would suit your face and would not be cute as the ones you have now! But, I can understand you wanting more of an arch and less of a round shape. I too, have a brow problem b/c one of my eyes is lower than the other so its really hard to get similar looking brows, even by professionals. Lol, they always take a little longer than usual to shape my brows.

I used to have the brow problems until someone introduced me to the beauty of going to a professional, lol. Not saying that you don't, but I just know I wasn't. Anyway, my eyebrows were rounded like yours, and I just let them grow in for like 2-3 months. It's hard to deal w/ if you are a brow fanatic, but I think it's worth it (concealer in this case is your best friend). After that, I went to a brow specialist (I had seen her work on friends of mine) and just let her work her magic. Ever since then, I've had a much more perfected brow shape.

So, I would say if you don't like your brow shape, FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT!!! Lol. Let your brows grow a bit. Pluck any hairs that are obviously out of lines and cover the others w/ concealer. And when you think you have enough hair to get the shape you want, then get them shaped professionally. But again, I like them the way they are now!!! ;-)


Well-known member
You have exactly the same brows as me, and I want that exact same shape too!!
I just pluck/trim them, and then draw the squareish shape.. it's funny though, my left eyebrow has a round shape, the right one is angled.
I think your brows are nice the way they are. I think you should keep them they way they are, but if you don't want to, I advise you to go see a professional and see what she could do.